thirty-one ; looking into the face of death

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He let her go and then breathed, "Kol." The Original flashed away off towards the restaurant where the brother still was. She rubbed her arms to relieve the pain and was about to follow when she was grabbed from behind. Finn. He sped her to where Esther was, throwing her into the Pentagram. With a groan of annoyance, her eyes went up to see the witch and then the Bennetts.

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed. "Called it." She got up and felt the barrier, knowing that even if she tried to use her magic to break it, it wouldn't work. She was stuck. While she was forced to deal with this situation, being told of Esther's plan to kill the Mikaelsons, the other Originals were notified that Melody had been captured because the charm necklace she was gifted was found on the ground where Klaus left her. He was furious at his mother and himself. So right away, he told Kol and Elijah (who had joined them) then texted Rebekah who was currently in the caves with Elena Gilbert. Immediately, the three brothers got the location of the ritual and sped off to save the woman.

Melody stood up, glaring. "You do realize the witches won't let me die right?"

"I'm afraid that the witches have accepted your death, Melody." The brunette felt her whole world crumble. "You were supposed to save my children and you did not. It's too late for them now. So my gift to you is that you will be able to die with them."

Another scoff passed through her lips. "What a great gift. Thank you. But do you not realize what this will do to you? They are your kids! It doesn't matter what they've done in the past. They were only like that because of you. So why not actually try and fix your family instead of giving up and killing them all? You are no hero, Esther. I hope you rot because of this choice." She took a step towards her. "Take this as a threat because it is. Klaus will find me and he will tear you apart. You won't survive this."

The witches knocked her down, making Melody yell in pain, clutching her head. Finn told Esther that they were here. She told the Bennetts to leave and they did. The witch led her son into the Pentagram where the fairytale woman was lying on the ground, her entire body numb. It felt as if her magic had been drained. And it had, by Esther. She needed to make sure that the woman's magic didn't float around in the abyss. But if the ritual was broken, Melody's magic would be returned. Kol, Elijah, and Klaus walked up the hill. They saw Melody and Klaus clenched his jaw, seeing his true love lying their helplessly. She looked at him with hopeful eyes.

When he went to enter the Pentagram, the torches flared up, driving him back. Kol taunted his mother and brother. "That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn."

Esther hushed him. Elijah spoke up next. "Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity."

"My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago." Even from her current state, Melody wanted to glare but couldn't. She couldn't move at all. It was like one of those awful dreams where you are aware of everything around you. But there's not a single thing you can do to stop what happens. That's how she felt.

Klaus was the next to say something. "Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell." The thought of watching as the woman he fancied died was not something he wished to witness. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. It was just the expression of Melody's face that broke him. She looked so sad, almost regretful because there wasn't a single thing she could do to stop this from playing out. All she could do was hope that someone, something would break the spell.

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you," Esther told her sons. "Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life or for the girl's, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time."

Elijah shook his head, speaking with authority. "Melody is innocent. She has nothing to do with this.

"And that is where you are wrong. I created her curse. Her reason for existing was to fix the monsters I created. She failed in doing so." Klaus glared with such hatred. Melody took a deep breath, calling out silently to some kind of savior. She pleaded for the Mikaelson siblings not to die. They didn't deserve it. With that, fate changed the course.

The tie to the Bennett line was severed and Esther gasped. "No! Sisters! Do not abandon me!" Finn yelled for his mother. The pentagram torches flared up. Quickly, Finn grabbed Esther and sped them off. Melody flinched from the flames, drawing her knees to her chest and curling into a ball so she was not burnt. After a moment, the torches died out. Elijah, Klaus, and Kol looked around in shock because the two were gone.

Klaus went over to Melody and helped her up. She breathed in, her magic returning to her. All of her strength was returned. "Told you."


Melody sat by the fire, sitting crisscross. She had been quiet as the aftermath of Esther's ritual set in. Abby, Bonnie's mom, was in transition because Damon and Stefan wanted to save Elena from Rebekah. Kol left, Finn was gone, as well as Esther. Elijah had just fled after a heartfelt conversation with his only living sister. Thankfully, she had been told goodbye by the two brothers before their departure. But the only thing that was on her mind was the feeling of being numb.

Klaus entered and sat by her. "Are you alright? You've been quiet for a while now."

She replied, "Just thinking that's all." He encouraged her to explain. "It's just... we almost died today. And now that I think about it, I've never faced death so much before. Not even when I lived in StoryBrooke. Sure my brother did kill me but, I came back. Ever since I came to Mystic Falls it's like everywhere I go, someone is threatening to kill me or you and your siblings. I don't know." She looked down at her hands and Klaus watched her carefully. "Is this how it will always be? Facing death every single time we think we actually have a chance at being happy? Is this what our life is?"

He got exactly what she was saying. Looking into the face, he told her the first thing that came to mind. "I hope not. But I suppose that's what makes us stronger than others. We fight and fight. Even when our time comes, we still fight. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted. Perhaps returning to your family would be best."

"I'm not leaving." She turned to look at him, grabbing his hands. "And this may not be what I had in mind, but it is worth it. You are worth fighting for Niklaus Mikaelson. We are going to fight whatever comes at us together. Just don't get sick of me yeah?" He chuckled, wrapping one of his arms around her back, pulling her so her head could lay on his chest.

Klaus smiled. "Never."


Thank you all for reading this awful chapter. But anyway, my heart goes out to my queen, Rebekah because ugh, if Melody wouldn't be with Klaus, they'd be together and it pains me to do this to Bekah. I also just wanted to thank misplaced_dimple for giving me some motivation for this chapter because originally, I didn't plan on starting a new chapter right now. Then she said how she was excited to see what would happen next (and other stuff on my message board) so I put my Melody hat on and got to writing. I don't really have any questions today so just let me know your thoughts! :)

I hope you guys have a great day/night and don't forget to vote on this chapter, comment your thoughts, and follow me for updates!

I hope you guys have a great day/night and don't forget to vote on this chapter, comment your thoughts, and follow me for updates!

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( credit : @pepperronys )

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