Nightmare 4

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Keith was tossing and turning in his tour bus bed having a horrible nightmare. He screamed and called out the dream was so terrifying and it felt so real. Then when he finally screamed himself awake he hit his head on the bed above him. He flinched in pain he could feel the sweat on his back and could see the sweat dripping from his head. He burst into tears and started shaking.
His head hurt from bumping it and he felt sick.
He needed you to calm him down and help him fall back asleep and to make sure the monster in his dream hadn't hurt you.
But you weren't there you had some work to finish up at home before coming to join him on tour. But he needed you now.
He kept crying trying hard not to wake his fellow band members on the bus. But his cries kept getting louder and he felt so scared and so alone.
Then he heard someone get off their bunk bed and he hoped it wasn't to find out why he was awake in the middle of the night crying.
Then Nathan Barlow pulled back the bed curtain and it startled Keith. He yelped like a small puppy. He still was on edge because of the bad nightmare. "Hey sorry man didn't mean to startle you but I heard you crying and I was wondering if something's wrong?" Nate asked. Keith whimpered he didn't look at Nathan Because he felt ashamed of himself.
Then he started to panic. "Woah Keith calm down I was just asking if you were ok" Nate said calmly. "I had a bad nightmare where me and Y/N got attacked by a bad monster and the monster was really big and it really hurt Y/N and I was really scared cuz there was nothing I could do about it and..." Keith said before he was overcome with more tears. "That's sound awful man. Do you need a hug? You seem very shaken up." Nathan said. Keith nodded and moved over to sit at the edge of the bed. Then Nathan gave him a hug. "It's ok man your safe here and Y/N is safe at home the girls are safe at home. Everything is fine" Nathan said trying to calm him down.
But Keith was still scared and upset. He cried as Nathan hugged him.
Then Jerry came over "hey what's up with Keith?" He asked.  "He had a bad nightmare and can't calm down." Nathan said as he pulled away from Keith. "That's not good is he ok? He looks sick" Jerry said. "I feel sick" Keith said weakly. "Yeah you look sick and I see a small bump on your head too. What's that from?" Jerry asked.
"It's from when I woke up screaming then when I sat up suddenly I bumped my head and it really hurts" Keith said.
"That sucks man do you want a ice pack for it?" Jerry asked.  Keith nodded "thank you" He said. "No problem" Jerry said before going to retrieve a ice pack from the fridge.
Once he came back with a ice pack wrapped in a paper towel. He handed it to Keith. He took the ice pack from Jerry and put it on the small bump on his head. "That should help it feel a bit better." Jerry said. "What's wrong?" Dan asked as he got off his bunk bed.
"Keith had a bad nightmare and he doesn't feel good." Jerry explained
"Oh no" Dan said worriedly.
"I feel terrible" Keith said weakly. "Yeah I know dude" Nathan said.
"What's going on?" Seth asked getting up from his bed too. "Keith had a really bad nightmare and hurt his head and doesn't feel well." Jerry said. Seth frowned. "That's not good" He said.
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up" Keith said suddenly.
He placed his hand over his mouth and gagged. Nathan sprung into action to grab a old bowl and held it out in front of Keith.
Thankfully he'd made it just in time. Keith moved his hand away from mouth then threw up twice. Once he finished he gaged and coughed. "You done?" Nathan asked. Keith nodded and sighed.
Nathan quickly took the bowl away to wash it out. Keith started crying again.
"What's wrong Keith?" Dan asked concerned for his friend's well being.
I feel awful and I miss Y/N" Keith wailed. "The nightmare was so bad that I'm worried about Y/N and I feel really sick and my head hurts." Keith said sadly. "You can call Y/N on my phone if you want. I mean she might be asleep cuz it's late at night but you can try to call her." Jerry said as he got his phone out of his pocket and handed it to him.
Keith immediately unlocked Jerry's phone and dialed your number. It took a few rings before you pick up.
The second he hears you say hello Keith begins to cry again.
You immediately start to try to calm him down and once he explains his scary nightmare to you.
You try to reassure him there's nothing to worry about and that you and the girls are safe.
Once you talk to him for a few minutes he calms down. Then you tell him goodnight and that you'll see him soon before hanging up.
Keith hands the phone back to Jerry. "Do you feel a bit better after talking to Y/N?" Nathan asked him. Keith nodded "a little" he replied. "I still feel sick and I feel so bad for waking you all up." Keith said as he took the now warm ice pack off his head and handed it back to Jerry so he could put it away.

"It's ok man you needed help you couldn't sleep. You were scared and that's ok we've all been scared and had really bad nightmares too.  So we understand why your so upset about it." Dan said.
"Yeah and it's ok to be scared when your hurt or sick too. We can help you I know you'd rather not get help from us because you feel like a burden to us but you aren't." Seth said. 
"Yeah don't worry about it" Nathan said. "Do you feel better?" Seth asked.  "No" Keith said weakly.
"Do you want us to stay up with you until you fall back asleep?" Jerry asked.
"Yes" Keith said as he got back into bed and laid back down and pulled the blankets up to his chin. He whimpered out of fear. "Hey man it's ok you can sleep we are right here and we won't leave you until you are back asleep." Nathan said. 
Keith nodded and rested his head against the pillows.
It took awhile for Keith to fall asleep his band mates reassured him that he was safe he finally fell back asleep.

Keith was sick for a few days and his band took care of him until you came and joined them on tour and once Keith was better he was able to continue with the tour.
A/N Hey Guys Sorry for not updating for awhile I've been so busy with school and recovery. I had this idea awhile back. (I came up with this the night of the concert) anyway sorry it's so long but I hope you enjoy it. I love you guys :)

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