4 More Months pt.2 (Roman X Virgil)

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So this is after Rose is born but I wanted to provide some humorous detail of the delivery so yeah.

"GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!!" Virgil was squeezing on Romans hand so tight that his knuckles were white and Roman was wincing from the pain of his husband shattering his hand. "Virgil remember to bre-" "FUCK YOU! YOU DID THIS TO ME!!" Roman inhaled trying to remain calm "Babe you hav-" "I think I'm gonna pass ou-" Virgil went out cold and Roman chuckled to himself as the delivery went on.
********5 Months Later*********
Virgil was looking over Rose's crib he inspecting the baby's features she was almost as pale as him, with big sweet green eyes and freckles sprinkled on her face she had the rosiest cheeks with lips matching the rosy color and hair black as night. Virgil felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and a head on his shoulder causing his body to tense "What are you thinking Virge?" Roman's breath tickled Virgil's neck "She's just so pretty" "Well she looks just like you" "I don't think so her eye's are filled with light and hope, she always wears that cocky little smirk like you" "Well y'all are the fairest in the land" "Pale joke?" "Not this time" Roman began pressing kisses into Virgil's neck and cheek. "I swear to god if you wake her up I will murder you" "I like when Rose is up" "She has so much energy for five months!" Roman grinned and pulled Virgil out the room and into their own. Virgil began to shift around uncomfortably he didn't want Roman to see his stretch marks (Which I think are beautiful) "Virgil? Are you ok?" "I- Uh" Virgil began clawing at the back of his arm "Remember to breathe" That's why Virgil loved Roman, he was able to tell whenever he was anxious, or just feeling something other then pleasant. "Virgil?" "Y-Yes?" "Is there something wrong" Roman patted next to him and Virgil waltzed over to Roman and sat next to him, Roman threw his arm over Virgil and pulled him into a cuddle. "What's wrong My Emo Nightmare?" "I don't want you looking at me for the rest of our lives" Roman chuckled which caused vibrations through out his whole body "And why Is that?" "Because I don't want you to see them..." Roman pulled away from Virgil and cupped his face. "Please don't ever feel like that again, everything about you is amazing even your way of looking through out every possible situation" Virgil showed a small smile and Roman brung their lips together. "I love you JD Lightful" "I love you too Romano"

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