Scales? (Virgil & Deceit)

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This is purley platonic. There's background Prinxiety.

Virgil was slumped on his door bawling his eyes out. Roman was so close to finding out his secret today. He just wasn't ready to tell him and he doesn't want to get heart broken. Virgil stood up and walked to his dresser looking at his reflection his eyeshadow was now washed away with his terrible secret. There was a light knock at his door "Virgil please let me in, maybe we could work through this together you know I'll love you no matter what" "Roman please go away C-Can we talk later?" "OK, just know you don't have to be nervous or afraid" "O-OK" There was footsteps and then silence. Virgil let out as sigh and dropped on his bed suffocating the smell of lavender off his pillow then then the door opened. "Roman I said la-" "First of all I'm not Roman secondly what's wrong" Virgil became tense at Dee's voice he wasn't wearing any eyeshadow meaning that Dee would learn his secret so he didn't turn around out of his pillow even though he desperately needed air. "Get out Dee" "Sorry I can't understand you, you sound like Kenny from South Park" Virgil lifted his head out the pillow but didn't look at See "I said get out" "Sure" "Your a terrible liar" "Well of course I am Thomas is morally driven giving me little kids or power but enough about me what's wrong?" "Nothing I just want some privacy" "Your a terrible liar too" "Fuck you" "Virgil I'm trying to help" "I-I don't want to talk about it" "I'll just keep pushing you" Virgil frowned but it didn't matter because it's not like Dee could see him "I guess you can't really judge me" "Now Virgil why would I judge anyone" Virgil opened his mouth to say something but was immediately shut down "Don't answer that but I won't judge you" Virgil took in a deep breath and ran his fingers under his eyes wiping away tears but they kept rolling down. Virgil turned around and faced Dee getting up so he could see under his eyes. Virgil looked away as Dee's eyes widened and let out a soft gasp and took off one of his gloves "Can I touch them?" Virgil nodded with tears still streaming down his face. Dee raised his hand to the purple scales that were under Virgil's eyes and ran his thumb over them "Oh Virgil their beautiful why would you hid them?" "I-I don't want to scare the others, I don't want to loose Roman" "If you show them and they feel that way then their being a bunch of assholes, especially Roman if he claims to love you then he'll love them too" Virgil nodded his head and hugged Dee "Thank you" "No problem" See left the room then a few seconds later Roman jumped in "DEE SENT ME IN HERE IS EVERYTHING OK?" Virgil mumbled under his breath but walked over to Roman and kissed his cheek. Roman was very confused he felt tears dripping onto his clothes "Hey storm cloud what's wrong?" "I-" Virgil bit his young but just grabbed Roman's hand and ran them over the scales under his eyes. "Are those scales?" Virgil nodded his head but Roman smiled "Can I see them? " Virgil pulled out of the hug and looked at the ground.  Roman lifted Virgil's face and saw sparkly purple scales where his eyeshadow normally was he kissed them both then kissed Virgil's hair "Still beautiful"

OOF guess who's grounded? Me!  So I might (most likely) won't post for a while so I hope this was good enough.  Anyway I saw a post a while back saying what if the dark sides have scales and the person included Virgil as a dark side so yeah but TBH I don't think Virgil is a dark side even if it's a real thing.  Dark sides aren't a real thing if you think about it it's just a name that Roman came up with for I guess Thomas's  "flaws" but anxiety isn't a flaw even if it's heightened like Logan said What's a little extra height?

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