Sleep (Roman X Virgil)

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Virgil kept banging his head on the kitchen table. It was now two AM and he still couldn't sleep. Virgil rolled his eyes and walked to the fridge opening it and taking out a strawberry yogurt.

"Hot topic?" Virgil turned around to see a shirtless sleepy Prince rubbing sleep out if his eyes.

"You still think I'm hot"

"Why are you still up?"

"I can't fall asleep"

"I could help"


Roman threw Virgil over his shoulder carrying him upstairs.

"So where do you wanna sleep?"

"W-What are you talking about?"

"I'm not asking again Virgil"

"My room please"

"See was th- OW!"

Virgil jabbed Roman's side with his elbow.

"Don't act like I'm stupid, it's insulting"

Roman chuckled and walked to Virgil's room laying him on the bed.

"I'll leave so you could change" Roman did as he said so Virgil just changed into a long t shirt throwing him self in his bed

"Are you done?"

"Yes... Why?"

"I said I was helping you sleep" Virgil raised an eyebrow and moved over so R9man could crawl in the bed.

"W-Why are you doing this?" Roman wrapped an arm around Virgil's waist bringing him closer and nuzzled in his neck.

"Doing what?"

"Being nice to me, Normally your quite a jerk"

"Well any decent person would help, plus let mw be nice to you"

Virgil shrugged and began falling asleep with the warmth of Roman's body heat. Virgil was falling in and out if sleep but Roman was knocked out cold and had quite a super human grip. Virgil eyes finally just stayed open and he just let out a huge sigh then crawled out of Roman's arms and into the imagination. Virgil thought of a pottery table and it appeared with clay and water he began dipping his hand in the water and clay mixing it around to making it soft enough to play around with. Virgil smiled as it felt like mush slipping through his fingers his eye's began to close suddenly feeling way more tired then five minutes ago.

"Chemical Romance?"

"What is up with these nicknames Roman?"

"I don't know I'm feeling nostalgic"

Roman sat in a stool next to Virgil wrapping his arms around his waist muzzling in Virgil's neck again.

"You know your really touchy when your sleepy"

"But I still know what I'm doing"

Roman hummed in Virgil's neck causing him to let out a small giggle.

"That tickles" they then both turned to face each other and stared at each other in the eyes. Roman bent in, his lips against Virgil's cheek, brushing it lightly—and still that light touch sent shivers through his nerves, shivers that made his whole body tremble.

"If you want me to stop, tell me now" Roman whispered. When Virgil still said nothing, so Roman brushed his mouth against the hollow of Virgil's temple. He traced the line of his cheekbone. Roman's lips were against his. But he had reached up and pulled him down to himself, and the rest of his words were lost against his mouth. He kissed him gently, carefully, but it wasn't gentleness he wanted, not now, not after all this time, and he knotted his fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against him. When they pulled away Virgil's face went red "Can you sleep now?" "Mhm" Roman lifted Virgil bridal style to Virgil's room and laid him in the bed. Virgil turned to face Roman "Should we talk about what just happened?" Roman smiled and pressed a kiss to Virgil's head "When we wake up" "Ok" Roman intertwined his fingers with Virgil's and stroked his hand with his thumb. "Stop worrying, I love you" Virgil could've died from happiness but he remained calm and just fingered gun "Ditto"

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