Music (Roman X Virgil)

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Guess who stole her phone? Meh! Anyway so what if your room played music based on how your feeling? LMFAO my room would forever play Panic Room 😂

"Call the doctor, Call the doctor, Must be something wrong with me" Roman picked his head up and looked around his room quizzingly. "He's a monster, why do I want ya? please tell me, please tell me" Roman rolled his eyes and went back to finishing the script for the next episode. "He's a monster, He's a monster, That boy he's a mother fucking monster, But I love him, Yeah I live him!" Roman pratically glared at the ceiling as he knew who and what the room was singing about. He would have to clear his head if he wanted it to stop "He's right, don't start, Till you're his own form of art" "Oh my please quit the music!" The room just kept blasting Monster by Dev. Roman kept trying hard not to pay any attention to the music blasting in his room, yeah all he had to do was stop thinking of a certain emo persona but he couldn't help himself everything about Virgil was perfect to him. The way he would just have anything snarky to comment or whenever he would just do anything. Especially when he would laugh, it was so rare and beautiful that it would be like hearing it for the first time, the music began blaring louder and Roman couldn't take it no more. He left his room and slammed the door shut then there was a tap on his shoulder causing him to jump and flinch "Princey?" Roman opened his eyes to see Virgil staring down at him "Uh- agh-" "Are you OK?" Virgil's expression becane more worried and Roman internally cursed at himself for causing Virgil to worry he was acting as if he had more anxiety then Virgil, and that's saying something. "Roman?" Roman's eyes widen at the sound of Virgil finally saying his name it was kinda surprising seeing that he normally called him by the nicknames he came up with over the years. "Y-Yes?" "Are you OK? You kinda seem... Anxious" Virgil let out a breathy laugh causing Roman's face to heat up and heart pounding out his chest. "N-N-No I'm good" Virgil nodded his head and began to walk away and Roman could hear the music even louder, he wanted to just trash the room now. Roman looked back and forth between the room and Virgil, he regulated his breathing and ran (Well not run but he caught up to him) after Virgil. Roman placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder getting his attention "V-Virgil I... I need to tell you something" Virgil eyed Roman and began picking at his fingers "Is it good or bad?" "It depends on how you take it" "Ok?" "Ihaveahugecrushonyou butIdon'twanttoruinourfriendship" "What?" "Sorry, I meant I like you and my room is driving me insane with a stupid song and I think I might go insane, please tell me I'm not going crazy!" Virgil was blushing very hard he let out a soft chuckle and ran his hands through his hair. "I-I like you too Princey... I have for a while now- I was just too scared to ever do anything about it, don't worry your not going nuts" Roman had a huge grin on his face now his heart began to regulate along with his mind, he hugged Virgil and buried his face in the shoulder of the sweater. He began to speak but it was muffled "Does this mean we're dating now?" "I would like that as much as you would" Roman didn't think it was possible to smile any larger then he was now.

You know what I need? I need to hear Virgil say Roman's name one fucking time just once, like the closest I heard to him saying the name was Romano

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