Remember Me? Pt.2 (Logan X Patton)

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Trigger Warnings: Nightmares

"Wait Logan slow down!" Patton ran after his partner that was easily jumping over packaging and dodging over the crates chasing their suspect. Patton stopped running once Logan stop and began looking around.

"Jeez I'm only 27 and you make me feel like I'm 56" Patton whined putting his hand on Logan's shoulder to steady himself.

"She's s still here" Logan mumbled taking Patton's hand and pulling him behind him. Patton stood on the tips of his toes peeping over Logan's shoulder looking for the suspect himself knowing he wouldn't really actually find her as fast as Logan but at least he was trying. There was a box that fell and before Patton knew it shots were fired


and Logan was infront of him.

Patton jumped up reaching for his nightstand grabbing his glasses.


Patton rubbed his eyes before putting on his glasses looking around his room for where the voice had came from.


"What? No, Patton it's me Roman"

Patton stretched and smiled sleepily.

"How did you get in here?"

"You leave a key inside your flower pot outside anyway that's not important we got to go"

Patton clulessly blinked three times before jumping out of his bed in a hurry and into his bathroom.

"So im gonna assume you overslept?!" Roman yelled making up his friend's bed.

"Yes, I had a nightmare!"

Roman sighed and grabbed the blue turtleneck, black jeans, and grey hoodie (yes i know that's not his outfit but I'm cold as hell) out of Patton's closet laying them on the bed. In the next ten minutes Patton ran out the bathroom with his towel and grabbed his clothes along with underwear and hurriedly pull them on while Roman took two waffles out of the toaster and handed them to Patton. They were ready to run out the door until Patton ran into something. It was Virgil he was the same model as Logan and looked like him but there were slight differences between the two. Virgil had lifeless grey eyes and paler skin with unkempt hair, he was also much faster, stronger, and insensitive then Logan he still had yet to deviate.

"Oh! Hey Virgil!"

"Hello Detective Hart, your forgetting your jacket, You might catch a cold"

Patton shook his head as he entered his house again grabbing the jacket off his coat rack pulling it on the other layer of clothes he already had on.

"Virgil you know you don't have to adress me as Detective you could call me Patton"

Virgil blinked before nodding to Patton then entering the car.

"I wish he'll loosen up, he knows nothing but sarcasm" Roman said with a huff rolling his eyes.

"He'll get there eventually kiddo just be patient"

"Yeah when hell freezes over"

Patton chuckled as he got into the back seat of the car.

"If you want me to drive I'm going to need you to put on your seatbelt" Virgil said glaring at Roman. Roman mumbled something before aggressively clicking om his seat belt and sitting back.

"Thank you"

They drove off and the air was calm and comfortable untio they reached the Cyberlife towers of course. Patton felt as if everything just became heavy, almost everything about cyberlife was nerve wrecking, their standards, the security, the color design, the people, it feels that everything just gets genuinely colder.

Virgil tap the wheel in a pattern before exhaling and lowering the window stating his model and business to the heavily loaded officer. Once inside the building Patton noticed that Virgil had dropped back not walking fast but just taking in the environment. Roman had also noticed and smiled slightly when he seen Virgil interest peak when seeing a plant. Patton sat down on a chair and waited a dreadfull 5 minutes before he seen Logan walk out of a door and towards him.  Patton stood up and smiled at Logan who just looked at him.

"Hello, my name is Logan, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife, it's nice to meet you Detective Hart I look forward to working with you as your partner"

Patton looked at Logan and crossed his arms grabbing at his sleeve.


Patton looked at Logan and was surprised when he seen him smirk then burst out laughing.

"You should've seen your face!"

"Ohhhhhhh you little weasel, I thought you had reset or something" Patton said punching his arm lightly.

"I'm sorry" Logan squealed out between laughter. "But I did say I wasn't going to forget what I feel for you Patton" He took the Detective's  hand and Patton stood there as he seen Logan's hand fade away into his synthetic skin.

"I said I love you and I did not want you to forget that"

Patton smiled and pulled Logan into a hug.

"I love you too"

Should I Do A Face Reveal??

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