Fuck Off 2 (Roman X Virgil)

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The title sounds like some badass movie-

It's been a year after Virgil's break up with his boyfriend. He started hanging out with Roman and his friend Patton who was just an absolute sweetheart, a complete cinnamon roll. But with their time hanging out together, and the time they would get alone Virgil began to slowly develop feelings for Roman. Virgil knew how to control his feelings about Roman but couldn't help but get all flustered whenever Roman decided to become extremely flirty. He was a sap and would say small little cute compliments but it was like a big boulder being throw in his way. His thoughts were just in too much of a turmoil thinking of Roman, he couldn't even think in class. Virgil thinking was interrupted by a knocking on his desk. Virgil looked up and immediately thought speak of the devil Roman stood there and he had a faint blush on his face and opened his hand letting a small piece of paper fall on the desk then walked to the other side of the class back to his own desk. Virgil raised an eyebrow and picked up the paper opening it and began to read it.

Storm Cloud let's go to Angelo's after school, just us~

Virgil eyes widened and he felt his cheeks heat up, burying his face into his arms on the desk. He looked up and seen Roman looking at him with a nervous smile, Virgil nodded and he seen Roman smile widely then went back to writing in his notebook. Virgil folded the paper putting it in his back pocket with a small smile.

After School––––––––––––––––––

Roman waited at the stairs and seen Virgil walked down to him chewing his nail.

"Is this a date Princey?" Virgil said with a smirk.

"Well I believe it is little storm cloud" Roman teased winking at the other. Virgil felt his face heat up, and immediately regretted playing with fire.

"Come on, the pizza is waiting for us" Roman said grabbing Virgil's hand taking him to his car.

The car ride was filled with chatter from the two. You barley heard the radio playing in the back, as their voice overpowered it. Once the two arrived at the pizzeria Roman began his teasing again.

"Ready for our date?" 

"You know for someone who was so nervous in class your pretty teasy" Virgil said tired of his face being on fire.

"That's to hide the fact that I am extremely even more nervous" Roman said with a chuckle scratching the back of his neck. Virgil was quite stunned, Roman who was a expert with the romance department was nervous with him. 

"Because I would never want to ruin anything with you Virgil" Roman said meeting Virgil's eyes then averted away fumbling with his sleeves. 

"I would have to be a complete imbecile to ever do you wrong, You smiling is so rare and when it's seen it's absolutely beautiful, and I want to keep you smiling.  Everything about you is amazing. From your snarky attitude to your way of panicking about everything" Roman stopped himself and Virgil looked in awe.

"Apologies, you wanna get pizza now?" Roman said quickly panicking himself. Virgil nodded his face felt hotter than 2000 degree burning coal. Virgil was never aware of Roman's feelings for him. The flirting, he always took it as Roman being himself. The two entered and sat down at a booth in the corner.

"Roman did you mean everything you said outside?" Virgil said looking at his lap. He couldn't believe it, he didn't ever feel that anyone could truly like him very apparent in his previous relationships.

"Of course I did, I would never lie to you about that Virgil" Roman was looking at Virgil waiting for him to look up. But when he did Roman was shocked the latter was wiping his face silently crying. Virgil wasn't crying because he was sad but he was happy, really happy.  Roman jumped up sitting himself next to Virgil pulling him in a hug.

"I know they did you wrong V, and I promise you with my life that I would never ever hurt you" Virgil reciprocated the hug and smiled to himself.

"Your really good with words"

"Only when it comes to describing what I feel for you"

The waiter came with a tray of pizza and their drinks.

"Let's eat storm cloud! You can never be down when food is around"

Virgil playfully rolled his eyes then got a idea.

"Your right Princey, that probably explains why I'm never sad around you"

Roman gasped and then chuckled.

"You smooth mother fucker" .

Yeet Yeet Skadeet-

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