4 More Months (Roman X Virgil)

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So Virgil's pregnant (he still a guy this sis my universe where anyone could get pregnant) Haha there's something wrong with me by the way the doctor uses they/them pronouns

Virgil was throwing pillows at Roman and screaming "Come on Vi-" "Come on? Come on?! Are you fuc-" Roman let out a huge sigh and walked over to Virgil picking him up bridal style. "Calm down Pillowcase" "Pillowcase are you trying to call me fat!?" Virgil began to cry and bang on Roman's chest. Roman shook his head and kissed Virgils hair "I never called you fat babe, and I wasn't flirting with a girl you know I'm gay" Virgil grunted and buried his face into Romans shirt. "Good or I'll burn your house down" "Virgil we're married we live together" "I'll burn your disney movies" "You don't mean that" Virgil just kept his head in Romans chest "Your coming right?" "Of course I am"
Time Skip Brought by a prego Virgil
"This is gonna feel cold" Virgil clutched on Roman's arm as the doctor applied the gel on his pale belly bump. "I think it's gonna be a girl" "What makes you say that?" "I don't know she moves around a lot" Roman began to admire his husband's face Virgil began to look less tired and rarely wore eyeshadow his skin looked like it was glowing with health. "Why are you staring at me Pretty boy?" "Your so beautiful, even without being pregnant, you just blow my mind everyday" Virgil began to blush and Roman smirked because of Virgil's white foundation you couldn't tell if he was blushing or not. "You love to flirt with me don't you?" "Yup" Roman said popping the P Virgil sat upright on the bed and looked down at his stomach "We're gonna beat daddy up right baby?" Roman laughed "Ha! Never" "Never say never this baby has alot of energy I think as much as you, which I find impossible since it seems that you bleed energy, like you could make a mean monster drink with your blood" "Ok Emo Nightmare stop talking creepy" Virgil giggled and The doctor got the the two's attention "Excuse me, would you like to hear the baby's heart beat?" "Yeah!" The stethoscope went around on Virgil tummy until they heard rapid heart beating "Oh god Is their heart supposed to be beatimg like that?!" Roman could see Virgil about to freak out ao he held his hand and intertwined their fingers. "Don't worry Virgil that's how any healthy baby heart beats" The doctor nodded their head in agreement "Your husband is correct Mr. Blac-" "Just call me Virgil" "Well Virgil that is what a healthy heart sounds like would you like to know the gender?" Virgil's eye's became as bright as dimaonds and be eagerly nodded. (Yeah I don't know the process of finding out the gender so like I'm not detailing on that) While the doctor left to go get the results Roman and Virgil began coming up with name's "If the baby is a girl we could name her Rose she would be my little Gul Makai" "And if it's a boy we could name him Robin" Virgil face began to stream down tears Roman cupped Virgils fave and began wiping away the running eyeshadow and mascara. "Virgil what's wrong?" "I'm just so happy, I mean I get to have a fucking family with you" Roman laughed "Hiw could you curse even in such a moment?" "Sometimes I just gotta be me" Roman laughed and kissed Virgil's forehead "I love you My Chemically Imbalanced Romance" "I love you too sir sing along" The doctor came back in the room with a envelope "Pink for girl Blue for a boy" The doctor handed the note to Roman and walked out the room with a smile on their face. Virgil smiled weakly at Roman who looked like he could barley hold in his excitement the two pulled on the strand opening the letter and showing the color pink. "Oh my little Gul Makai" Virgil jumped off the bed and into Roman's arms (even though he's taller) and began pressing kisses on Roman's face "Our Little Gul Makai" Roman was overwhelmed with excitement he started to cry happy tears of his own. "Virgil I know this isn't the time but when did you learn Urdu?" "College, and this certainly wasn't the time" Roman laughed and spun Virgil around. The doctor came in the room and told the two that they could leave if they liked which they did to go home and celebrate with a chocolate chip muffin. While in the middle of the cuddle Virgil pushed Roman off of him and said "Don't touch me" "What the- WE WE'RE JUAT CUDDLING TWO SECONDS AGO!" Virgil began to laugh then cuddled back with Roman "Four more months" Roman mumbled causing Virgil to jab him in the side with his elbow.

By the way Gul Makai means cornflower in Urdu and she's an heroine from an Pashtun folk tale.

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