Bestfriends (Deceit X Remy)

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Requested by: RayRayGirlSaysHi 

Tw: Caps? 

Virgil and Remy, The embodiment Anxiety and Sleep, very unlikely for them to be friends right?  WRONG!  Surprisingly Remy and Virgil got along quite well, well enough that they even called each other best friends. It kinda confused everyone because well, ANXIETY STOPS YOU FROM SLEEPING! According to Logan who was beyond confused about Virgil and Remy's relationship. Virgil also didn't mind whenever Deceit would come around Remy because Deceit would be a decent human being? Virgil totally knew why, because it was obvious: The snake was in love with the coffee obsessed man. It was quite fun with Deceit whenever he wasn't lying Virgil must admit because he'll just spit out the truth with ease or random truths. It was safe to say that Dee was a gay in distress, and for some weird reason Virgil wanted actually help him?  He knew his Best Friend had an attraction to Deceit it was quite obvious except to the oblivious snake. 

Virgil paced around his room before finally deciding to help Deceit. It was a win win situation for him Dee dating Remy would have him lying less and would stop the heavy pinning on both ends.

Virgil left his room and to Deceits knocking before entering even though he really should just barge in from all the other times Dee would just barge in. Virgil didn't really hear anything but a muffled sound which he took as a come inside.

Virgil opened the door to see Deceit laying in bed with the front of his body buried into the bed.

"Oh my god your a mess,  you might be worse than me"

"Shut up your a gay disaster when it comes to your boyfriends"

Virgil shrugged knowing damn well it was true, but can you blame him how can you not love them.

"Look I want to help you, but don't make me regret it" Virgil said with a glare even though Deceit wasn't facing him. 

Deceit rose out of bed and looked at Virgil suspiciously.

"May I ask why?"

"Because I'm Remy's besty and I know he's not going to openly admit his feelings anytime soon"

Deceit face began to glow red. 

"H-He has f-f-felling's fo-For M-m-m-me?"

"Yes you dumb idiot, it's so annoying to see him always openly flirt with you and it flies right over your head"

Deceit eyes widened in shock. 

"So you actually want us to be together? You don't have a problem with that?"

"Yes, Just because I can't stand you at times doesn't mean I hate you,  but I'll tell you this Dee break his heart and I will fucking kill you"

Deceit nodded knowing Virgil would find someway to end his existence. He would never intentionally break Remy's heart anyway,  Remy was perfect I'm his eyes.

"Come on throw on something casual" Virgil said leaving the room. 

Deceit got out of his bed and went to his closet where he seen his oversized yellow sweatshirt with two black stripes on each arm and his black ripped jeans deciding to throw that on he then proceeded to the mirror and combed back his hair. Honestly he felt naked without his hat.


"Dammit are you done?"

"Yes stop rushing me"

Deceit came out (haha unlike me) and seen a very impatient Virgil standing there glaring. 

"That will do, now let's go" Virgil dragged him outside and shoved him into someone.

"Now have fun"

"Wait babes I thought-"


Deceit quickly backed away from Remy and apologized.

"Oh calm down Babe, Wanna go get Starbucks"

Deceit nodded with a small smile.

"So let's call it a date" Remy said holding out his hand to Dee. Deceit took it and they walked with intertwined fingers.

Virgil's Sanders best wigmen all twenty bi teen.

             So no confusion
Remy~ Sleep from Thomas Sanders shorts.

Remus~ Trash man from Sander Sides.


When Remy and Deceit came home they seem Virgil sitting on the couch listening to music but turned if off as soon as he noticed them.

"Had fun?"

"Despite your odd way of getting this to happen, yes we did"

"And guess what? A Bitch got a boyfriend!" Remy said giving a smooch to Deceits cheek. 

Hey!  Comment if you want me to make a one-shot of the date! 

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Hey!  Comment if you want me to make a one-shot of the date! 

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