Ready As I'll Ever Be

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1. I got permission from thepastelpeach so no one needs to hop on my back about that
2. This is gonna be really fricking long
3. The ships are Logicality & Prinxiety
Warnings: Deceit being a dickhead, Fighting, and Blood in a way?

"You won't get away with this!"

"Oh darling but I already had all because you weren't satisfied with being a knight"

"I was! They will notice something is off their my FamILY!"

"Not if I have anything to do about it"

Roman tried to break free from being tied up in his mind but failed this strange man had already take over his body.

Long live the Prince...

"The King is Missing!" Everyone turned their attention to the maid and began to question her.

"What do you mean he's missing? A king can't just go missing"

Logan began to walk towards Thomas's chambers not paying any attention to the maid or Virgil and Patton who were right behind. When they all got to Thomas's room he truly was gone but nothing was out of order.

"That's odd wouldn't it be more of a scene if Thomas truly did go missing, unless..."

Virgil looked up and did see something out of the ordinary it was Roman's sash it was on the balcony.

"What the hell?" Virgil took the sash and inspected it, it looked like as if someone ripped it off Roman's body.

"What about this Logan?" Patton gasped at the sight of the sash.

"He carried that thing everywhere I don't see why he would leave it now, Especially in that manner"

Logan took the sash and began inspecting it himself.

"Yes this is rather out of the ordinary"

Virgil was about to speak up until he remembered something from earlier in the day. Roman had a crown of roses red ones but once they went on his head they turned black and he began to act rather... different.

"Guy's did y'all see that flower crown Roman was wearing earlier?"

"You mean the pretty flower crown! He was hesitating to put it on when I seen it, actually he seemed pretty worried about that crown..."

Patton's voice trailed off getting lost in his thoughts.

"Well I've seen a black one on him he became excuse my language but quite a asshole when he had it on"

Logan sneered from the memory of Roman being completely rude and having no regard for anything it was as if he was a completely different person. Virgil took the sash back and put it on as a scarf

"Let's find him and Thomas"

"What does Roman have to do with this?"

"Your smart put it together"

Logan was hit with realization and let out an audible gasp.

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