(Roman X Virgil)

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Roman was sitting on his lawn with his friends Patton and Logan, they were all studying until a sudden motorcycle rip. Roman screeched, Patton jumped and Logan yelled. 


Roman looked around for the sudden sound ready to stare daggers but was met with a super tall kid with long black hair, pale skin, and eyes as green as emerald, he also was wearing black eyeshadow under his eyes with 2 black hoops at the top of his ears with two in the middle and a black piercing on his lobes he was wearing  black ripped jeans with a purple hoodie that was homemade. 

"Oh Triton trident" 

Roman's face became red Logan looked up from his book and smirked'

"Drool much Roman?" 

Roman scoffed and pushed Logan off his step.

"You totally are drooling Ro" 

Patton said as he helped Logan off the ground. 

"You two are this close from getting out of my house" 

"We're not inside" 

Logan pointed out which earned a glare from Roman and some giggles from Patton.

"Hey Patton wanna know something about Logan?" 

Logan's eyes widen. 

"You wouldn't dare" 

"Test me specs"

Logan glared then Roman opened his mouth to speak again but was cut off by Logan throwing a book at him. Roman was hit to his chest and everyone laughed.

"Hey Ro, even the kid next door is laughing" 

He glanced over his shoulder to see the kid laughing in his hand then wave. Roman began blushing again and tugged on his hair softly. 

"Oh my heart... I've been shot.." 

Roman pretended to pass out. 

"Uh Roman I highly suggest that you get up cause he's coming this way" 

Roman jolted up and the air quickly smelled of Vanilla. 

"Oh Great Odins Eyepatch he smells good to" 

"Thanks for the compliment..?" 

The boy was smiling at Roman waiting to learn a name.

"It's Roman" 

Roman held out his hand and the boy shook it.

"Virgil, I like having such a pretty neighbor" 

He then winked at Roman who froze and became like a cherry. 

"Greetings and Salutations I'm Logan" 

"And I'm Patton!" 

Virgil looked at Logan with a nervous look.

"Ah you don't have to be so formal I'm absolutely no one special" Waving himself off, he then turned his attention to Patton. 

"And your super friendly" 

"And your really tall" 

Patton stood next to Virgil and he reached to his chest.

"He's a baby giant!" 

Virgil laughed.

"My family is full of them" 

His attention then diverted back to Roman who was still flustered and frozen causing Virgil to begin to worry quickly. 

"Is he okay..?

"He's usually doing the flirting he's not used to being the flustered one" Patton said with a smile nudging Roman a little rescuing him from the zone. 

"I thought I lost you there for a second, that wouldn't have been good"

Roman face flushed once more with a smile. 

"Well I hope I see you guys more, I gotta go now don't want my mom freaking out" ]

Virgil jogged next door and entered his house but before he entered he smiled at Roman and waved. 

"He's gonna be the death of me"  

"He's not bad Roman-" 

"Exactly! He's perfect!" Roman exclaimed throwing his head in his hands. Patton rubbed his back deciding him and Logan should probably go and give Roman some time to cool off. 

"Go have a cup of water and calm down okay? Me and Lo could just chill at mine, You still got it"

Patton kissed Romans cheek and ruffled his hair before pulling Logan up and kissing the side of his mouth pulling Logan out his trance.  

"Let's go love" 

Logan became a stuttering mess but walked away with Patton.

Roman did as instructed from Patton but was now in his room at his desk doing the rest of the homework that him, Patton, and Logan started earlier. Roman stood up and looked out the window that was right above his desk it showed the next door neighbors house he saw Virgil back turned so he spun on his heel and walked away. 

"God I need a breather" 

Roman walked outside and laid on the lawn. Roman shut his eyes and began taking in deep breaths he then smelled the familiar scent of vanilla and opened his eyes. Roman saw nothing but stars.

"Next to you" 

Roman sat up and looked to the right of him and there was the pretty neighbor he was trying to escape. 

A sudden cold breeze came over Roman and he shuddered. 

"Ugh I hate this weather" 

Virgil laughed. 

"Want my hoodie?" 

"Not if your gonna be cold" 

Virgil pulled off the hoodie placing it on Roman and showed his long sleeve purple shirt. 

"There's tears in it" 


"You'll be cold" 

"I have a grey tank top underneath, I wear layers" 

When Virgil said this Roman smiled finally finding a comeback moment.

"You wear layers because you know that I could easily get your clothes off right?" 

Roman leaned into Virgil's face and smirked Virgil suddenly got a sudden blush on his face.

Virgil shook his head with a smirk.

"I guess when I'm around you I'll only wear my hoodie, I know you'll like it right?" 

Roman became red and he felt defeated.

"Fuck you" 

"Let me take you on a date first" 

"Is that your way of asking me on a date Virgil?" 

"Maybe, What about Friday? I could show you what I do for fun" 

"Yeah Friday" Virgil got up and dusted off his pants offering a hand to Roman.  

Roman watched Virgil enter his house and then let out a small squeal, making his way back into his house he felt the heavy weight of Virgil's hoodie fall off his shoulders. Roman was way to nervous to go to the door and knock so he went in his house and opened his window through the window he could see Virgil on his laptop. Roman took a piece of paper off his desk and threw it at the window. Virgil walked towards his window and saw Roman across from him holding out his hoodie. 

"I thought I took it back" 

He opened his window and smirked.

"You should keep it until Friday so you'll know that we're going on our mystery date" 

Roman smiled at him. 

"Mystery date sounds romantic" 

"That's the point of dates Prince Charming now go to sleep!". 

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