Jealous (Logan X Virgil)

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Logan is rather curious, we already known that right? So one late night while everyone was asleep but him so he decided to go downstairs and watch a documentary. Deceit came in the living room and stared back and forth between Logan and the TV "What are you doing up so late?" "I could ask you the same" "I'm used to being up late" Logan turned his head to Deceit to respond when a random question appeared in his head. "Do you have those scales anywhere else?" "Uhhhh I mean I have some here-" Deceit pulled off his gloves and top showing more scales snaked around his torso and around his arms and the tips of his fingers. Logan looked closer and began touching them "Told Thomas they weren't slimey" "You know Racoon boy is still up" "Racoon Bo-? Please don't call him that" "Why not?" "Just don't" "Oh you like him" Logan rolled his eyes and continued looking at the scales.

Virgil woke up in the middle of the night for water. He began walking downstairs but then heard voices so he peeped through the stairwell and saw Deceit in the middle of the room shirtless with Logan in front him touching his skin. Tears sparked Virgil's eyes and he ran back upstairs crying in his knees Why would I think that he would like me?

Logan heard rapid footsteps and perked his head up. "Did you hear something?" "No" Logan took out a notepad and began writing "You should sleep now" "I don't even understand why you gather data on us" "So I know what I'm working with" "Working with?" "Just go to sleep" "If you say so" Deceit sinked out and Logan walked upstairs while passing Virgil's room he heard stiffled sobs which caused him to stop in his tracks. Logan knocked on the door and slowley pushed it open "Oh god Virgil..." Logan ran to Virgil's side and pulled the Vodka bottle out of his hands "What are you doing Virgil?" "F-Fuck Off" "Excuse me?" "I said Fuck off! Now give me the damn bottle!" "No" Virgil kicked Logan's shin and grabbed the bottle but Logan had a super human grip. "What is wrong with you? Your not even dunk yet" "Ah Fuck you" "VIRGIL!" Virgil's eyes snapped open and he looked up at the taller side infront of him. "Thank you, now why were you drinking?" "Why would you care?" "Because I care about you" "Yeah fucking right, and I'm not Thomas's anxiety" "Virgil can you stop being sarcastic for one second and act human!" Virgil looked at Logan scared "I don't want to scare you I'm just trying to help" Virgil glared right at Logan in his eyes and said "I'd rather a strangers help then yours" That stinged Logan couldn't control the emotion in him it was overwhelming before he knew it there was hot tears streaming down Logan's face. Virgil went into shock he meant to hurt Logan but not so severley "I-I'm sorry Loga-" "WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?! ALL I EVER TRY TO DO IS BE NICE TO YOU!" "WELL WHY DONT YOU GO SCREW THE DAMN SNAKE?! I BET HE CAN TREAT YOU BETTER RIGHT?!" "What are you talking about?" Virgil rolled his eyes and sat on his bed pulling his knees to his chest "Just go away Logan" "Did- Did I do something to upset you?" Virgil buried his face in his knees and mumbled something Logan didn't hear. "What?" "I said Slutty nerd" Virgil began to laugh as Logan tried to process what 'Slutty Nerd' meant "Virgil what does that mean?" "Not Important" "Your confusing me here Virgil, your yelling at me then you start laughing at me you know I'm not the best with emotions"  Virgil then dropped his head in his knees and mumbled something again. "What?" "I want Ice Cream" "Virgil... You still didn't answer my quest-" Virgil yanked on Logan's tie pulling him down to his level they looked each other in the eye then Virgil pulled on Logan's tie again pulling him into a kiss. Virgil stopped kissing Logan then shoved him off the bed leaving Logan red as a tomato and wanting more. "What did I do to you, you beautiful human being?!" Virgil eyes widen and he flushed with red "Youtouchedthesnake" "What?" "You touched the snake" Logan was confused for 3 seconds until it all clicked. "Virgil you seriously need to stop jumping to conclusions" "I'm literally the embodiment of anxiety how do you expect me not to?" "Well at least try not to" Virgil yawned but then nodded his head "Ok Logy" Virgil pulled Logan off the floor and into his bed "And if it helps I was observing" Virgil huffed into Logan's chest. "I love you Lo" "I love you too"

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