Ghost (Roman X Virgil)

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Inspired by AntMan and The Wasp
Warning: Bullying, freak accident
Take my crappy drawing of a scene

Virgil kept his head down as all the kids played around for recess, he didn't talk to anyone he didn't see the point everyone in his school made fun of him. Virgil let out a shaky breath as he finally gathered the courage to look up but immeadietly regretted it when he saw a boy that was much taller then him smirking at him with venom.

"Oh look its the schools freak"

Virgil cowered underneath the three and kept his head down refusing to say anything. The boy pushed Virgil's shoulder roughly causing him to stumble a little while giving him a disgusted look.

"Aren't you gonna do something?"

"Why would I?" Virgil spat but flung his hands over his mouth.

"He's such a fucking pushover" The kid pushed Virgil's other shoulder causing him to back into a wall.

"L-Leave me alone!"

The boy smirked as cupped Virgil's face with one hand running his thumb under his eye where his eyeshadow sat. Then punched him without hesitation causing Virgil to crumple in holding the area that he was sure it was bruised. Virgil put his hands in a surrendering position as he stood up straight again.

"P-Please just stop, I-I didn't do anything"

The boy put his hand to his chin and tapped his foot on the ground as if he was thinking. Then there was a rumble that shook the ground causing them both to fall.

"What was that?" The boy cried out looking around until there was another rumble. Virgil held his hands on the ground firmly pushing himself up to stand. But being knocked down by one last huge rumble and flying debree, he felt something hit through him and saw the boy go flying. Virgil widened his eyes and looked back to the school that was in debris that was left and a huge machine in the hole of it that sent odf one last wave going through Virgil again. Virgil dropped to his knees as he looked around and saw so many bodies around the machine then he heard the firefighters sirens, he didn't bother to move, Virgil turned around when he heard someone call out.

"Little boy!"

Virgil turned around and a wave of pain was sent through him, he shuddered at it but looked at the three officers that were running to him with two firefighters behind them. They reached out to him to pick him up but the officers hands went right through him he saw the terror grow on their faces, he could feel the terror build up in his own body then he couldn't take it anymore he didn't feel his body drop to the ground, he couldn't feel nothing, all he felt was the tearing pain that went throughout his whole body, it hurts.

Bleeehhhhhh this is just to tell y'all I'm still alive there will be a part two but I guess you could saw this is an origin thingy?

Ok I have sooooo many drafts but i always loose my fucking creative juice and that shit irritates my soulless soul!

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