(Logan X Patton)

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Logan knew Patton for as long as he could remember. He moved down to Florida when he was three and met the kid in kindergarten. Patton was the first to talk to him and from that day on continued to talk to him. Logan would be lying if he said now he didn't have feelings for Patton now. Everytime Patton would come around he felt as if he needed a reboot. The Valentine's dance was coming up soon and Logan wanted to ask Patton but much to his luck didn't know how. He didn't want to do something too extravagant like how his two brothers suggested but wanted to. So now it was 3 am two weeks before the dance and Logan was pacing back and forth in his room thinking of a way to ask Patton to the dance.

"Logan what are you still doing up"

Logan turned to see his brother Remus standing in the doorway.

"Thinking of a way to ask Patton to the dance obviously"

"Your not taking me and Romans wonderful plan I assume then" Remus said with a smirk making his way to Logan's dresser.

"Patton's not over the top like you two idiots" Logan said rolling his eyes as his brother took one of his many deodorants and began eating it.

"Well you knew the kid for stupid long just think of the things he likes" Remus said as if it were that obvious making it hit Logan that it actually was as obvious as it seemed.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but thank you Remus"

"That's why you got two creative twins by your side dumbo"

"I wouldn't really call you kids and family creative" Logan said with a look of disproval.

Remus laughed and nodded.

"Well you got me there, but good luck it's not hard Robot"

Logan rolled his eyes at the nickname his brothers coined for him.

"Now get out, I'm going to sleep" Logan said attempting to push Remus out his room.

"Your lying but I'll get out your hair" Remus said with a shrug finally budging causing Logan to fall on the floor.


"No your not"

Remus laughed while leaving Logan's room.

"Your right"

Logan rolled his eyes for a third time and scurried to his desk writing down the idea he had for his dance proposal before going to sleep.

-------The Next Week--------

Logan woke up and hurried through everything he did in the AM. He picked up the card he had made for Patton and went over to his house. That was a normal thing for Logan to do mainly because he got through his morning faster than Patton who would take forever to get ready. When Logan arrived at Patton's house he did his regular knocking with Patton's father welcoming him inside warmly and seeing Patton's little brother shyly say hi and run upstairs. Then Patton's oldest sibling Remy came downstairs with their coffee in their left hand and car keys in right.

"Hey Logan"

"Good morning Remy"

Then Patton came running downstairs almost tripping on the last one before catching himself and waving brightly at Logan.

"Sorry L-"

"No need for apologies, there's no rush today" Logan cutoff, Patton looked surprised for a minute before running into his kitchen and coming back out with two waffles and his bookbag.

"Bye Dad, bye Mom!" Logan was pulled outside and Patton began munching on the waffle.



"Are you interested in the dance coming up next weekend?"

"Yeah I bet it's going to be so fun!" Patton said beginning to dance.

"Do you have a date?" Logan said looking at Patton hoping someone didn't beat him to the punch.

"No, actually" Patton said with a slight disappointment. Logan stopped walking and pulled out the card he made for Patton handing it to him. Patton took it with a smile and opened it, read it and began giggling. Logan could've sworn no matter how many times he heard that giggle it would never fail to cause him to stop functioning. Patton leaped into giving Logan a hug and kissing his cheek.

"Of course I'll go the dance with you Logie"

Logan was relieved and smiled returning the hug.

I feel like Patton would appreciate something small and corny

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I feel like Patton would appreciate something small and corny

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