Party (Logan X Virgil)

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Virgil was never a party person he would rather stay home and watch a movie with Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Cookie Dough Ice Cream. But this time his best friend Patton begged for him to tag with him at this party so he wouldn't be alone. Virgil agreed to come along but with one exception he was not talking to anyone.

*******Night Of The Party*******

Logan was in the corner of the off campus house he shared with his brother Roman watching all his fellow class mates get drunk and do insanely stupid things. It kinda reminded him of Big Fun from Heather's with Roman running the party and acting like an idiot, people making out in the corner, and everyone getting drunk. Logan just stayed in his corner and sipped from his cup until Virgil and Patton came in. You see dear readers Logan has had an enormous gay crush on Virgil since the eighth grade. Logan began drinking faster feeling his ears heat up then Roman came next to him and tried to convince him to talk to Virgil.

"Come on Lo just go talk to him I'm making my way to Patton"

Roman walked in the direction if Patton and Virgil and began talking. Virgil rolled his eyes and began walking towards Logan making his heart beat faster.





"I'm actually not trying to get drunk where are the drinks without alcohol?"

"Uh there isn't anything but water"

"So Logan Berry is drinking alcohol color me suprised"

"Oh god no I'm drinking the water"

"Really at a party?"

"Yeah I'm not really into these frivolous displays"

"Me too Patton asked me to tag along"

"I didn't have a choice this is my house that I share with brother"

"Holy shit your related to Roman?!"

"Yes sadly"

"How are you so statistical and calm? then you have him who's always yelling and being extra"

"I don't know" Logan said with a genuine disappointed look.

Virgil began playing with his bottom lip piercing. Logan stood there watching Virgil in awe not sure of what to say next so he just invited him to hang out.

"Would you like to hangout sometime?"

"Is this your way of asking me on a date Logan?"

Virgil began to smirk and Logan was genuinely suprised causing his mouth to be opened a little bit.

"Better close that pretty mouth of yours, baby. Don't want to give me any ideas now do you?"

Logan's face went red but then he flirted back

"What...What if I have a few ideas of my own?"

Virgils face went red but then him and Logan began laughing and then they immeadietly felt themselves being pulled away from each other as someone called.


Virgil and Logan gave each other wide eyed looks as they got pulled away from each other they were also a blushing mess. Everyone at the party gathered in a circle in their living room. Virgil and Logan were sitting right across from each other playing with something on their clothes. Logan was the first to speak up.

"What If I don't want to play this?"

"Too late"

Logan rolled his eyes and got up and began to walk away from the circle but was immeadietly pulled back in by Roman. The first five spins were nerve wrecking the more people spun the more it came closer to Logan's turn to spin. When it was finally his turn to spin Logan could see Virgil's face dropped. Being honest Logan didn't want to kiss anyone if it wasn't Virgil. Logan sighed heavily and barley spinned the bottle landing it right on Virgil. They both let out small gasp as people began taking the two tallest people there into a closet. Virgil shifted around not knowing what to do but then Logan began laughing.

"What happened to all those ideas you said you had earlier?"

"You really wanna try them?"

Logan's eyes widened he didn't actually think that him and Virgil would kiss. Virgil smirked and pulled Logan up to his height by his tie.

"You good specs?"

Logan just squeaked and nodded his head. Virgil still had his smirk but then pressed his lips on Logan their lips were like puzzle pieces it fit perfectly. They personally didn't want to stop but after a few sweet/rough kisses they stopped and Virgil let go of Logan's tie.

"You really did have ideas"

Virgil let out a soft chuckle.


They were staring at each other then the door opened.

"They didn't even kiss!" Patton called.

"Are you sure Padre?"

"Yes!" "

Actually we di-"

"Oh god do y'all two not know how the rules of the game goes?"

"Roman for christ sakes we kissed"

"Prove it"

Virgil flipped Roman off and pecked Logan's lips causing them both to turn red and the small drunk group that was playing spin the bottle to aw.

"So. Cute."

Virgil rolled his eyes and walked away deeper into the party with Logan behind.

"Come on specs let's dance and g-get to know each other then Would you think about going on a date with me?"

"O-Of Course"

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