Marry Me (Logan X Patton)

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Patton and Logan have been dating for five years now. They were both in college and loved each other very much. So Patton didn't understand why he was so scared to ask Logan 'The Question.' Patton was pacing around his dorm room telling Virgil all of this.

"Patton you know Logan can not physically say no to you right?"

"But that's the thing I don't want him to say yes because he can't say no I want him say yes because he loves me"

"Well I think that you and Logan love each other very much, wanna know a secret? Before you and Logan started dating he said he loves you after Roman broke down what love meant or is"

"Really?" Patton's had a huge smile on his face he forgot that Virgil and Logan were so close.

Then Virgil's phone dinged.

"Roman wants to take me to a club tonight, maybe you could pop the question there" "A club?"

"Well something of that its Remys birthday and he's having his party at a club"

"Ummm I don't think Logan does clubs" Virgil laughed

"And I don't really 'do' girls but i still hang around them"

Patton gaped "Virgil thats disgusting!" he picked up a pillow and threw it at Virgil. The two laughed and Patton laid on the bed

"Come on it'll be fun" Patton had a worried expression but then took out his phone.

"I'll try" Patton phoned Logan and looked at Virgil the whole time.

"Hey Lo, um do you wanna go out tonight?"

"Of your talking about Remy's party I'm not sure"

"Please Lo, I need my boyfriend to be there" Patton whined.


"I guess I'll have to find another cute nerd to go with me"

"No!- I'm going"

Virgil was laughing the whole time.

"Love you Lo"

"Yeah Yeah Love you too" when Patton hanged up the phone he started laughing too.

"Oh god Patton thats cruel"

"Told you he didn't do clubs"
When everyone got to the party there was a lot of people there.

"Jesus fucking christ Remy you know all these people?"

"I think so" Remy was looking around the place while sipping on his Starbucks.

"Well Im going to go get drunk" Virgil made his way over to the bar pulling Roman and Remy by their hands leaving Logan and Patton together.

"Logan? Can i ask you a few questions?!"

"Yeah!" Patton pulled Logan out to the front of the club and they walked a few blocks away stoping at an park with a beautiful water fountain.


"Question time"


"What is the nickname of the founding father of Experimental science?" Logan looked at Patton confused but answered his question.

"Well his name is William Gilbert so he would be called WILL"

"What does tu mean in english?"


"What is the first name of the famous fossil finder in 1779?"


"What is the abbreviation of Maine?"

"ME" Patton bent on one knee and took out a gold band.

"Well would you?"

Logan didn't understand until he put all his answer together. Logan couldn't form a sentence but his eyes filled with tears of joy. When he found his voice he threw his arms over Patton and muffled a yes. Patton hugged Logan back and put the band on Logan.

"I L-Love you P-P-Patton" Patton was taken aback by Logan showing so much emotion.

"Calm down Logan, I Love you too" Logan started focusing on his breathing and calmed.

'Come on lets go back to the party before they start worrying" Logan nodded and the two held hands and walked back to the club. When they entered they saw Virgil dancing on a table completely drunk.

"Well aren't you cute, Are you single?"
Virgil asked Roman who was shaking his head at the sight then Roman laughed.

"No I'm seeing someone"

Virgil started to tear up.


"Virgil we're dating"

The others watched as Virgil eyes widen then jump.


Patton, Logan, and Remy all laughed at Virgil's drunken state.

"Come on Ro help me get him to the dorm room"

Patton lifted Virgil over his shoulder

"Is the my man candy coming?"

"Yes Virgil" Roman said taking Virgil from Patton.

"Later Logy" Patton kissed Logan cheek and left with Roman and Virgil.


Virgil woke up with his head killing him.

"What the hell did i do?"

when he opened his eyes he saw Patton sitting on his bed playing with his hair.

"You were so drunk last night"

"I wasn't that drunk"

"Well you were flirting with Roman-"

"So what he's my boyfriend"

"You didn't let me finish kiddo then you asked if he was single and almost cried when he said he wasn't" Virgil started laughing.

"Oh god, so how was your night" Virgil said gesturing to empty ring box on Pattons bed.

"Logan got so emotional"

"Woah Logan and emotional in one sentence never thought I would ever hear that"

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