I'll Decide On The Way (Logan X Patton)

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Twinkle Twinkle little star why is writing so damn hard.... Thats the chapter No but seriously my brain is beginning to drown

Logan was yelling at a best buy employee as he tried to explain that his laptop was broken. "NO YOU IDIOT IT'S BROKEN B-R-O-K-E-N! THE SCREEN LITERALLY SPLITED IN HALF!" "Please repeat-" Logan hung up the phone and stormed downstairs sitting on the couch next to Patton "People are idiots" "Well thats not a nice thing to say Logan" "They couldn't understand a single thing I was saying! I was speaking pretty clearly I even spelled it out" Patton let out a giggle as Logan just kicked his leg in the air continously. "This will past Logan you'll eventually calm down" "THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK I AM AN ETERNAL FLAME BABY!" Logan stomped on the floor then grabbed his car keys Patton giggked some more them pinched the bridge of his nose seeing Logan begin to fumble with the doorknob. "Logan what are you doing?" "I'm going to get icecream or commit a felony I'll decide in the car" "LOGAN!" "I need to release this anger!" Patton giggled in his hand and Logan just raised and eyebrow "Wanna release that anger just come over here instead of committing a felony" "Patton wha-Mfm!" Patton yanked Logan's tie pulling him on the couch into a kiss. "I rather that then being in jail" "See now your thinking straight" "8 never thomk straight I'm gay" "Did you just make a gay joke?" "Oh shiiiiiii"

PS He did both the next day (Logan totally stole the icecream)

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