(Deceit X Virgil)

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Truth or Dare, the most exposing game in history. So it was no suprise when Roman and Logan wanted to play it, they do nothing but pry into others buisness, Logan would normally use the excuse that it was for researching purposes while Roman used the information for blackmail. But yeah the remaining three sides still agreed to play. Everyone gathered around in the living room sitting in a circle on the floor. The game started off with Roman then went off to Patton then to Logan and finally Virgil. It only made sense to pass the gane onto Dee right? He was the only one who didn't pick truth or dare yet so why not?

"Dee Truth or Dare?"


Virgil eyed Deceit looking at everything then had an idea.

"Why the cloak and hat?"

"None of your business pick something else"

"But I chose your clothing as something to pick at so why?"

"No reason"

"Then take it off"


"So are you hiding something?"

"N-No, just drop it"

"But if it's nothing just take off the damn thing"

"V-Virgil don't push i-it"



Dee got up and wlaked up the stairs fastly. Virgil was kinda shocked that Dee just got up and rsn like that, it wasn't something he's ever seen before and he could just tell the others were just as shocked.

"What was that?" Roman asked creeping over to the stairs and looking up.

"Maybe, he just wasn't feeling up to it?" Patton said walking over to where Roman was ready to walk up the stairs until he was stopped by Virgil putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I'll talk to him"

Patton nodded and moving out of Virgil's way allowing him to walk upstairs where the rooms were. Virgil approached the dull yellow door knocking on it softly before reaching out for the door knob and giving it a slow turn. Deceit was sitting on his bed with a thick grey duvet covering everything but his face. Virgil's heart instantly warmed at the sight, it was rather adorable to see Dee all wrapped up like a burrito or caterpillar on his bed.

"I'm a freak"

"What? No your not, Where would you get a thought like that?"

Dee just sighed heavily and he looked as if his eye's looked like they were going to break into tears. But he just let out a teary laugh.

"Oh god, that's easy for you to say, your not deformed or mishaped in any way, your not looked upon as if your godzilla"

Virgil walked over to Dee lying next to him on his stomach.

"I really wanna know where your getting all this false information from"

Dee just fell back on his bed and slowly took off the duvet letting brown cat ears that blended perfectly with his hair.

"The reason I wear the hat and cape is because of this, Look at me Virge what am I a snake/neko hybrid? This is disgusting"

Virgil's pupils were literally hearts while he stared at Dee he reached out cautiously and rubbed between Dee's cat ears who let out a low purr.


Virgil smiled and kissed Deceit's head.

"You are amazing"

Virgil kissed Deceit snake side of his face.


Virgil then kissed the corner of Dee's mouth and looked him in the eyes.

"And don't let any asshole tell you otherwise"

Deceit's eyes were wide but he just tackled Virgil into a hug burying his face into the homemade hoodie.

"Thank you"

Requested by  katcalls

Requested by  katcalls

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