Soulmates (Roman X Patton)

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So if you ever read my Darling Nerd book on my old account then you'll know about my soulmate AU but for those who don't whoever has the same colored eyes are soulmates. Meaning each eye are different colors and if your match up with another person that means your soulmates.

Roman always was sad about the outcome of his colored eyes. One was grey, he knew that if both of your eyes are grey your soulmates dead or they died but one eye grey? This question always popped in his head: Is my soulmate dying? The next one was red which definetly made his mind go wild.

Roman's POV
Another day at school. Another day of not knowing my soulmate. Another day of suspicion killing me. Jesus I need to know who my soulmate is. I got dressed and did my hair. I ran down stairs grabbed the toast and kissed my mother's goodbye

"Wait Roman, Virg-"

"I Love y'all later" I know its rude that i just cutoff my Parents like that but i had to go. While i was walking to school i felt as if someone was watching me but everytime i turned around no one was there.

"BOO!" I screamed as loud as i could and was ready to attack as soon as i turned around but the person caught my fist. My vision cleared from the white splotches that blinded me and it was Virgil who kinda had a shocked expression.

"Jesus Virgil you can't scare me like that!"

"Im sorry your majesty, why are you so tensed anyway?"

I shook my head and mumbled "soulmate"

Virgil raises an eyebrow and glared at me. Its kinda scary when he does that his eyes practically  glow it feels as if he's looking right through you and then the black eyeshadow makes him look even more scarier.

"Stop worrying about that shi-"

"One to talk"

He glared at me again. Virgil is also a soulmate worrier too his eye color is royal blue and purple the world's rarest colors.

"Don't bring me up" Virgil threatened I backed off and continued walking.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit on edge as you said"

"Yeah no shit sherlock well before you cut me off i was going to tell you don't worry about that crap anymore because i found someone they moved in this morning on custard street"

"Wait you found someone thats cute"

"Not for me you idiot for you, his name is Patton and he's really sweet and funny"

"Wait he has-"

"One red and one grey" I fell back and my head hit Virgil's bag he threw it when he saw me going back.

"Holy crap-" I jolted up "Is he OK? Does he have any sickness of any kind?"

Not that i cared but i had to know if he was OK.

"I mean he's allergic to cats but his health is perfect" I fell back again and landed on Virgil's bag again. Virgil simply made a sound of disgust and muttered

"See what love does to you?"

"Im so flipping happy V!" I jumped up and started to skip to school forgetting about Virgil who was just shaking his head behind me. I stopped skipping and faced Virgil again

"Is he coming to our school?"

"Yeah where do you think we're going?"

"Wait- we're" that was the last thing I remembered until I woke up on Virgils back in front of a white house.

"Thank god your up because we're here" I jumped off his back and hid behind him.

"What happened to the all mighty prince?" I growled at Virgil and he hissed at me then Patton stepped out his house in a cat onsie and rubbing his eyes. I froze he was truly beautiful. When he opened his eyes they were the same color my heart skipped a beat and my brain stopped working. I saw Patton's smile grow but he didn't do anything until Virgil pushed me into him. Patton caught me and my face went red. I felt so small compared to everyone there yeah im use to Virgil being taller then me but when Patton caught me I felt like a baby.


I got off of Patton and shot a look at Virgil who was snickering behind his hoodie.

"Virgil told me alot about you, I'm Patton" Patton held out his hand to me and I shook it.

"Roman" I then bowed like a prince and Virgil laughed

"See I told you he acts like royalty" Virgil mumbled to Patton. I could see a soft pink blush appear on Patton's cheeks, he then bowed to me princess style holding out the sides of his cat onsie

"Soulmate" he mumbled under a giggle. I stifled a giggle and Virgil made an Yuck sound.

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