What's A Soulmate? (Logan X Virgil)

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Emotional Logan 2k18, no but just imagine Logan get's so emotional when plucked at his heart strings

"Don't worry we got it"

"Ok we should be back by midnight!"

"I doubt it!" Virgil called from inside winking at the two who's faces became a deep shade of red.

"But seriously we got it have fun"

Logan waved Patton and Roman off as they finally walked off to the car blowing kisses to their twins Star and Comet, driving off for their date night. Virgil already said goodbye to the two so he stayed inside on the couch looking for a family friendly movie for everyone to watch. Logan close the door taking the twins in once Roman and Patton drove off, he then entered the kitchen putting two bags of popcorn into the microwave. Virgil sat with the twins for Patton and Roman's biological kids they sure where more relaxed then their own parents, maybe because it was night but he expected way more energy then what he was seeing right now.

"Uncle Virgil can we watch The Book of Life?" Comet gave Virgil the puppy dog look, normally Virgil was immuned to this stuff but Comet was a kid and he actually loved The Book Of Life.

"Yeah, I don't see why not" Comet and Star jumped up in union and sat on the couch with Virgil. He loved these twins they were both just undeniably adorable. Round pudgy cheeks, curly dark brown hair, both had heterochromia like Patton but instead it was Blue and green instead of Brown and Green, they both had freckles all over their face, a tan complexion and they were both so small! The two played the movie and was quickly joined by Logan and popcorn, Logan sat next to Virgil who instantly rested his head into Logan's neck sitting in his lap.

~~Time skip brought by the twins~~

When the movie ended almost everyone was in a drowsy state. Virgil stood up and stretched his legs and arms. Star and Comet were having a conversation about what Monolo and Maria were like to each other.

"That's not possible how did they love each other for that long?"

"He was her soulmate Star! That's how they still loved each other after all those years"

"What's a soulmate Com-Com?"

"Well- Uh- Their destined to be with you forever no matter what, right uncle Virge?"

Virgil smiled ever so slightly looking at his own soulmate mark as it was glowing near Logan sitting on the floor with the twins.

"Well, something like that, you see a soulmate is like your bestfriend but more its the one person in the world that knows you better then anyone else, it's someone that makes you a better person, I take that back they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you, A soulmate is someone who you can carry with you no matter what- their someone who knew you and excepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when anyone else would, and no matter what happens they'll always love you and you could never change that"

"Woah! I want a soulmate!" Star exclaimed jumping on her brother.

"Eventually Starshine"

Virgil turned his head to the voice and saw a teary eyed Logan looking at him lovingly.

"Aw you little emotional baby" Virgil pulled Logan off the couch and into his lap pressing a kiss on his head.

"No not y'all too!" Comet whined as he buried his face into his hands. "Dad and Papa do that all the time!"

"Soon you'll be doing it too"


"I'll hold you to that"

Comet huffed and laid down on the floor grabbing a pillow off the couch while yawning.

"I'm tired"

"Me too" Star said grabbing a pillow off the couch like her brother wrapping herself in her Winnie The Pooh covers. Virgil smiled and him and Logan climbed onto the couch that now had two remaining pillows grabbing their own covers that they were previously using snuggling into each other. Star and Comet fell asleep quickly leaving Virgil and Logan for each other.

"I love you" Logan mumbled burying his face further into Virgil's hoodie.

"I love you too specs"

Bonus scene
When Roman and Patton entered their home they saw the twins sleeping in some kind of pillow fort and Virgil amd Logan sleeping on the couch. The TV was on showing the iconic slideshow of popular shows on Netflix. The two smiled to each other as they each carried a twin to their room tucking them in.

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