Green Day (Logan X Remus)

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(The story takes place in 2004  btw)

Remus loved to snatch away his brothers particularly nerdy friend. Not cause he was in love with him, well a little bit but mainly because they both enjoyed rock. Especially Green Day, surprisingly one day Remus was looking through Logan's playlist on his phone and found loads of their albums, sooooo when their new song came out he immediately stole Logan out of Romans room.

"Hey! I need him im doing calculus!"

"You'll be okay!" Remus chirped back while running away with Logan in his arms.

"Green Day?" Logan asked raising an eyebrow. Remus nodded eagerly he looked like a little puppy. Logan chuckled to himself as Remus continued to run with him into his garage.  Remus had set Logan down and plugged in their speaker and closed the garage door, he then continued to connect his phone as he played there new song American Idiot.
By the way Remus started dancing along to the music Logan could tell he had already listened to the song a few times, Logan just couldn't find time to the song was dropped at 12:00 am the previous night and he was already sleeping then got up to go to school and headphones were no where near the rule book for his school and right after school he began tutoring Roman, so everything about the song was new to him but he loved it. Logan always loved the way music had more than what it said on the outside.

"Come on Logan!" Remus grabbed Logan's hand and began dancing again with him. Logan couldn't help but laugh and Remus stopped to adore the rare laughter that only he would hear. But continued to dance once again with Logan. When the song stopped Remus threw himself back on the couch in the garage.

"Don't wanna be a American Idiot! " Logan belted out  going for Remus's phone to replay the song.

"Don't want a nation under the new media!" Remus continued sticking his tounge out at Logan. Logan just smiled to himself and sitting down next to Remus letting the song repeat. He took a moment to admire the more demented twin. Logan understood that he had a romantic feeling for Remus, he figured it out earlier that summer he would always feel like there was metaphorical butterflies in his stomach and his face would feel all heated from the small things Remus would do like taking his hand or carrying him.


Logan snapped out of his daze forgetting that he was staring at Remus. Two honey pools of concern met his icicles and Logan turned away. Looking people in the eye was hard especially Remus the few times they would meet eyes Logan face would immediately burn.

"Remus I must admit something"

Remus's expression actually became quite serious and focused on Logan.

"Yes Lo?"

"I... I have romantic feelings for you and it's okay if you don't return them but I feel like if I don't express them I might be mad as a hatter" Logan said with a chuckle. He then looked up at Remus who looked happily stun.

"Well good thing I already am" Remus said with a glow to his eyes.

"I like you too Logan" Remus said pulling him into a hug then kissing his cheek.

"Can I kiss you?" Logan surprisingly said, Remus nodded and they leaned into one another until a loud scream pierced through the house earning an eye roll from both teens. 

"WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE LETTERS IN MATH?!?!!?!" Remus nodded in agreement to Roman's outburst.

"He has a point"

Logan then shook his head at the two idiotic brain cells the twins shared. Logan then stood up going for the garage door.

"I'm going to go help him before he breaks down again"

Remus nodded awkwardly normally he wouldn't have no shame, nor filter but they haven't made anything official of what just happened.

"Wait Logan-" Remus got up and did a two second jog to the other grabbing his hand and pulling him.closer towards him.

"Are we dating now? I don't wanna rush you into thinking we have to but I kinda wanna know" Logan cupped Remus's face and pecked his lips.

"Yeah we could probably gonna on a date next week or something" Logan said his face color rivaling Roman's varsity jacket. Remus nodded completely dazed from his first kiss.


"Right the drama queen 1, I'll be back" Logan said slipping out the garage door officially now making his way to Roman's room. Remus ran to their couch beginning to jump up and down again playing American Idiot. Nothing could ruin how happy he was right now.

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