| Chapter 3 |

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Chapter three

"I don't know what's taking him so long." I said getting slightly worried.

All of a sudden the whole cafeteria become quiet. Everyone's eyes turned to the one and only Austin Walker. I'm not gonna lie he is sooo hot. I just don't understand why bad boys have to be so hot. To be honest I have never seen an ugly bad boy. Have you ?

"What are y'all staring at ?" He asked

After those words everyone went back to whatever they were doing but you could still see a few girls stealing glances at him.

"Did you hear what happened?" Amanda asked in a hushed tone.

"Fill me in." I said laughing. Amanda always knew what was happening around the school hence the reason why she is the school's reporter.

"Austin just came back from a mental facility." She said

"What? Why?"

"Apparently he has some sort of mental disorder."

"Isn't he bipolar?" I asked

"Yes. That could be the reason for his mood swings. One minute he's nice the next he's exhaling fire." Amanda said.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." I playfully blew her a kiss and got up from my seat. I threw my leftovers away as I exited the cafeteria.

I walked down the hallway and passed the empty corridors when a sound caught my ears. I stopped in my tracks and tried to follow where the sound was coming from. I placed my right ear on the janitor's closet and listened carefully.


Hold up. Was that moaning? I peeked through the keyhole and firstly I thought I was seeing things until Josh opened the door and he came out fixing his belt.....and there was a girl beside him

This can't be happening...


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