twenty-six ; loyalty, my love

Start from the beginning

"That wasn't very nice, love."

He was standing so close that Melody stopped laughing and froze. She opened her mouth to say something, looked down at his chest, then back up at his eyes. A blush covered her cheeks and yet she managed to reply, "But it was funny."

"Are you nervous?"

Klaus took a step toward him and she cleared her throat, taking one back. The distance between them was filled with electricity as cliche as it was. Both of them were fighting the urge to pull the other one close. Never had she been this close to anyone before. Melody kept eye contact with him. "With you standing shirtless in front of me? Yeah. A bit."

There was no other sound besides their breathing. Klaus listened to the brunette's heartbeat, hearing how fast it was beating. She was nervous. He relaxed his shoulders, turning his back on her and going to his drawer to grab a shirt. Melody let out a sigh of relief, her heart rate slowing back down.

Once the hybrid was in the appropriate attire, he smirked. "Would you like some breakfast?" She simply blinked back at him, looking at his wet sheets, then back at him. The uncertainty and confusion were clear on her face. Melody blinked back at him innocently, her dark lashes fluttering.

"Breakfast sounds... nice."

Klaus nodded and exited the room, leaving her there. Gaining some composure, the fairytale woman left the room and followed after her. Well, that was surely an odd conversation. One minute he was flirty and half-naked in front of her, the next he was a gentleman and offering her breakfast. Perhaps he saw the way her posture was and just how uncomfortable the situation was for her.

Melody had never been in a relationship before, never kissed anyone, she was so innocent and pure and Klaus couldn't bring himself to change that now. And especially since they had only known each other for a few months. But the desire to bring her to his chest and claim her his was too hard to fight. He fought himself though because she was innocent in that sense. And if she ever wanted that type of relationship, then he would wait until she told him so.

Without so much as asking what she wanted, Klaus made something simple for her: bagels and eggs. He assumed she liked that. Melody sat at the bar, sipping her milk when he sat the plate in front of her. The hybrid was quiet, only nodding when she provided a small "thank you". Because of the lack of reply, she began to think she did something wrong.

A frown stayed present on her face while she ate. Klaus left her for a moment to take a shower and get dressed. Melody finished quickly, doing the same before joining him in his car. He was still quiet, clenching his hands on the wheel that they turned white. The silence was infuriating. And the entire time she kept thinking how he was angry at her. But why? He didn't seem upset at her little prank.

"Stop the car," she ordered. Klaus didn't reply or listen. "Klaus stop the car before I jump out—"

The car came to a roaring stop as he eased over to the side of the road and out of the way of other cars who were going by. Melody opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door closed. Klaus followed her movements, going to stand in front of the car to meet her. She glared at him. "What the hell is your problem? What did you expect me to kiss your naked chest or something?"

He threw his hands up. "I have no problem. And sure, that would've been nice-"

"Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed, now full on yelling at him. "I'm sorry I'm not some girl who just lets guys have their way with them. I'm sorry that I actually want to wait for the right guy to come into my life before I do stuff like that."

Their banter continued back and forth until an older lady in her seventies called out to them from her porch. "You need to be kind to your lady, young man." They both spun around to face her. She put her hands on her hips. "Because if you don't you'll lose her."

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now