Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

We entered the restaurant and were escorted to our table. I looked around and all of the customers looked high class and rich and I'm definitely out of place but Dylan instead squeezed my hand. I let out a sigh then looked at the menu the waiter given us moments ago.

"Red or white, sir?", the waiter asked Dylan as Dylan looked at me, asking what I prefer.

"Just water", I answered.

"We'll have the red", Dylan told the waiter as the waiter poured into our glass the red wine. "Don't bother about the price, okay? Just focus on what you want", he said to me. He definitely can read right through me because though I wanted a little wine, I only chose water because I'm guessing wine here is not part of their complimentary service.

I let Dylan ordered the food for us even but nonetheless, he still explained the dishes to me so I would approve on what he ordered. Basically, it's just spaghetti but the menu describe it like a very sophisticated dish.

As we waited for our food, we started to converse. I let myself get lost in the moment first and don't mind about the setting or the expensive aura we are currently in. I would just think like we're in the diner, eating our favorite set of food.

"What would you do if your brothers are there tomorrow?", he asked. I haven't actually read their messages yet to me because I turned off my phone after talking to Cole and I trust Cole that he'll explain to my brothers where I am and how I am.

"I got to face them sooner or later. I know I overreacted but I don't know it was weird seeing my father there like all of the pain just conveniently crashes through", I admitted. From all the crying I did last night, I was kind of surprise that I'm not tearing up anymore.

"Well, I'm going to be by your side nonetheless", he reassured me. Momentarily, our appetizer came in but Dylan requested to bring all the dishes all at once so they abide.

"How did you know my brother?", I asked him as I took a bite of the salad with I think have just two spoonful of serving.

"I was his roommate back in my old uni. I'm not very proud of it but we used to bet every week the amount of girls we'll take home", he confessed, taking me aback not with his old habit but Nick's. I guess I never find him that dude who have sex for fun and for bets. I thought he was the hopeless romantic type of guy where even though I knew he was not a virgin anymore, would think of sex as a sacred thing.

I guess Joe may be more tame than him or is he? Well, I'm not very shock of Dylan's old habits because aside from Cole telling me those stuff, Dylan also opened up to me about it.

"Who normally win?", I asked, taking a little sip of the wine.

"I do. Nick was more of a strategic player like he needs a game plan to get a girl whereas I would just go and play", he replied.

Suddenly, I don't know what I'm feeling right now because seconds ago, I was alright knowing that they would place bets and all but it just hit me. No, more like my insecurity hits me. What if I'm one of those easy go and play targets? What if I'm part of a bet? What if I'm not even good enough for him? What if he misses those old habits of him? What if...

He suddenly snapped his fingers, making me to look at him as I noticed that I already finished the wine.

"Jasmine, I know you well enough and whatever is on your mind, drop it. I'm not using you for sex because I like you, okay? Those girls whom I'm really sorry to are just girls who I used for fun and for my stupid lust and kinkiness, okay?", he assured me as if he can read my mind. But he's right, he would never take advantage of me or use me for fun. I trust him, I tell myself. "So have you been single all your life?"

I giggled, "What? No, I had one boyfriend back in high school, douche"

"You had a boyfriend in high school but he never laid a finger on you?", he said amazed and shocked.

"It is possible. Plus, we're not really the dream couple. We're more of a nerd meets another nerd kind of couple", I exclaimed. I remember the time where Harry and I bought two matching pairs of dorky glasses and when people make fun of us because of it but it was cute for me even up to this day.

"I doubt you're that type of nerd because to be honest, you're still a nerd who thinks skipping class is a sin but you're a very beautiful and sexy nerd", he smirked. If we were on the diner, I would throw fries at him already. I don't really know how to react to his sudden compliments but it flatters me, sending all kind of electricity and butterflies all over my body.

"Guess I would not show you my pictures back then", I told him but he shook his head.

"I bet those dudes in your school are just blind to see how beautiful you are.", he randomly complimented again.

"You're only saying that because you're with me but if you saw those pictures, you have to come with me and thank puberty", I snarled but he just shook his head.

"So this boyfriend of yours, how far did he go?", he curiously asked.

"Making out, I guess. I mean those things were gross for us back in high school. We even hate public display of affection.", I admitted.

"But look at you now, you're a changed girl who now thinks it's okay to make out even before brushing one's teeth", he teased as I just giggled.

"How about you? Got some ex-girlfriend I should know", I retorted.

"Well, I've been into one also but I guess things got out of hand and I don't know but we did stuff back then", he admitted as I was a little shock that he would even answer my question. I think it's his first time opening up this kind of stuff because he normally opens up how he is last year, his favorites and how is his day but never something about his past.

"Is that girl named Steph?", I asked, slightly scared he might take off because it's like a taboo word for him.

"Can we drop this? I'll tell you about her but not today, hmm?", he kindly asked as I nodded. I also don't want to push him any further as I just want this night to be perfect.

We talked about random stuff instead and just enjoyed our date tonight. I don't know where exactly we are but I'm just happy to be with Dylan.

After the date, we headed off back to the university but however had a little detour for some drive thru in McDonald because we both know that the food we ate back in that fancy restaurant is not enough and only takes 1/4 of our regular meal.

So when we reached the parking lot in front of my dorm, we stayed first and munched into our burgers. After which, he escorted me up to my room as he stopped by the door to give me a goodnight kiss because Cole might be inside or worse, my brothers.

He kissed me passionately, deeper and slower than before but it's the perfect blend for a goodnight kiss.

"Thank you, Dylan", I sincerely told him after he pulled away and gave me a hug, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jassy. Good night, sweet thing", he kissed the top of my head, then opening the door behind me because we both know where this would end up if we continued. So even though I don't want to be separated with him because tonight was just more perfect than yesterday, I have to but his words assure me that tomorrow I'll be with him again so I hope tomorrow come sooner so I can be with him again.

"Good night." and I love you.

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