"He would never ever see you come under his touch", and by that words of his, I released a loud whimper and  came. He just gave me another mind-blowing orgasm. His fingers inside me slowly left my body as he untied my hand from the bedpost and removed the shirt off my eyes that served my blindfold a while ago. He pressed his lips against mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my finger in his hair. 

"He would never ever exist because I'm yours", I said to him as he smiled in between our kiss. 

"Mine", he repeated as I closed my eyes because though I badly want to return the favor, I'm so exhausted from what he did. 

When I woke up, Dylan's arms were around my waist. I trailed my fingers from his hair, to his forehead, to his temple down to his cheek then to his lips. I don't know what I did in my previous life for me to deserve this. I always loved watching him sleep as thoughts continued to occupy my mind such as how lucky I am to have this guy, how I badly want him to like me back and how much happiness he have given me. With him, I forget that I'm lying to Cole that there's nothing between us, I forget my morals and I don't care about being sexually active. He makes all of these commotions feel right. 

"Good morning, beautiful" Dylan greeted as he opened his eyes, holding me tighter and pulling me closer to him.

"Good morning, Mr. Sprouse", I giggled but then, Lili suddenly entered the room as my eyes widened. Fuck, we're screwed. 

Dylan saw my expression and looked at where I'm looking at. He saw Lili and just shrugged. What?

"Lili, it is not what it looks like" I defended, feeling stupid because she would never believe it as Dylan and I were both naked, lying next to each other with only the blanket covering us up. Also, I'm mentally mad at Dylan because though he saw Lili, his arms were still tightly wrapped around my body. I tried to remove it but he just tightly wrapped it instead. "What are you doing?", I asked him.

"Don't worry, Jassy. I know about you and Dylan", Lili reassured me but I was confused. How did she know? Wait. Is she the one who told Dylan last night that I was alone?

"How long did you know?", I asked her as I saw Dylan continued to sleep. That's why he's not freaking out because he knew that Lili knew.

"Since the day Cole went over to Dylan's place to play but you were there so Dylan called me to get Cole out of there. So, in return he told me what's going on", she replied as I remembered that day that Dylan was so confident Cole would leave us but due to an unexpected incident, I didn't stay with Dylan too. "Don't worry, I'll keep it as a secret but you have to spill everything to me"

"I didn't want you to find out because I don't want you to lie to Cole", I said honestly that's why I didn't tell her anything even I badly wanted to.

"Don't worry, I have no right to tell him about you guys. He would understand" she reassured me. "I suggest both of you get out of here now because Cole's coming"

I woke Dylan up and told him that he needs to leave because Cole's coming. He didn't want to but he has no choice. I grabbed a big sweater inside my drawer and put it on me as I picked Dylan's clothes from the floor and gave it to him. He went to the bathroom to change because Lili was here, using the blanket as his cover. He got out and he planted a kiss on my lips.

"Bye, Jassy", he said as I also said bye to him. It was awkward kissing each other in front of Lili but Lili would eventually find out because I'm going to tell her everything but with filters. Dylan went out now and I closed the door as Lili grabbed my hand immediately, pulling me to sit beside her on the bed.

"I thought Cole was coming?", I pointed out because I don't want Cole to hear what Lili and I were going to talk about.

"I told him not to because you're going to spill everything", she remarked.

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