"Now what?" Harry asks.

"I don't know just sit on my bed or something." I shrug.

Harry does as I say whilst I lie next to him.

I knew that we had a little amount of time because my mother would have to get up to the top floor to see me first.

"Act ill." Harry whispers in my ear.

"What do you mean?" I look at him.

"Just pretend to be asleep." Harry pushes my head down onto the pillow.

Just as my head hits the pillow, I hear the latch of my door click.

"Oh hey Harry. How long as she been asleep?" My mother whispers.

"She said she wasn't feeling too good so I told her to go to sleep. She hasn't been asleep too long." Harry lies.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay looking after her?" Since when has she cared...okay maybe that is a little harsh?

"Yes I will be fine." Harry replies.

"Okay I am really late for work now so I best be off. See you later." She says towards Harry as silent as possible. I wait until I hear the door close before lifting my head.

"She's gone." Harry says.

"Do you regret that?" Is the first thing that I say. It has been the first thing on my mind if I'm honest.

"What? Regret what?" Harry looks at me.

"What happened around five minutes ago." I look down at the bed sheets. Normally after every kiss, I have run off and nothing gets mentioned. This time I won't let it happen. I need to know what Harry thinks. He tells me I don't ask, but now I am so I want answers.

Harry doesn't reply but all I feel is his hands underneath my chin urging me up to look at him. Harry moves his body closer to mine as he passionately kisses me again.

"Does that answer your question?" Harry pulls away.

Being as breathless as I am, I just nod.

"Good." He grins.

Nothing else gets mentioned for a while after that, we both just stay lying here staring at the ceiling. Harry has his arm wrapped around my back and my head is now wresting on his shoulder.

"Harry." I break the silence. It isn't an awkward silence just a nice calm one which gave my brain time to function with what had just happened.

" Yeah?" Harry replies.

"What are we?" I ask. I do not know the answer for this myself, so god knows what Harry is thinking.

Harry's Pov.

"What are we?" Mia asks. I don't know? What are we? I have never been asked that before by a girl because normally I get them drunk, shag them and then they leave the next morning. Nobody has ever stayed and asked 'What are we?" but I suppose that is because they were just desperate for sex.

"Humans." I joke.

Mia laughs whilst turning over on her stomach. She then props herself up on her elbows ad she looks at me smiling.

"No Harry you know what I mean. We have kissed, what three times now? I just want to know where we stand because I don't have a clue." Mia's face has now turned serious.

Well I suppose every girl that I have had sex with...well used for sex as you most likely would say, I've never had any feelings for. Mia...Mia on the other hand is complete different case, because I do feel something for her and all I know is that it is a bloody strong feeling!

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