Escape from Beta Traz

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The is based off of @jigglejaggle (on tumblr)'s prompt which is based off of Season 2: Ep. 10 of Voltron (thank you so much for sending this prompt to me i loved it so much!!)

Okay, this got really out of hand. It's nearly 3k words and I wrote it all in one sitting... oops. Also I've never really written a fight scene before, so I tried to stay pretty close to the actual plot in the episode, so the first half of this fic pretty much mirrors the events of Escape from Beta Traz episode.

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This isn't how this was supposed to happen. This mission was supposed to be easy. Sneak in, sneak out. All they had to do was hack into the security system and rescue the inmate, Slav. Everything seemed to be going well, until Lance met back up with Shiro.

"I got Slav!" they both shouted at the same time. Lance did a double take.

"Wait what!" he screamed. Shiro looked at the creature next to Lance in confusion. Shiro's 'Slav' shook his head.

"Oh, you have Laika" he said calmly. "That is the Warden's pet. He will not be happy about that" Lance looked at the creature by his side in dismay.

"You're not Slav!?" he shouted. It looked back at him.

"Yep" Lance continued running, slack jawed. He wholeheartedly believed that this was the Slav that they were looking for. There was no time to decide what they were going to do with this creature. Pidge announced over the intercom that she was going to meet them in the hangar.

The doors to the hangar slid open, revealing several guards surrounding the Lion. Everyone began shooting at once. Lance and Shiro pulled up their shield. Shiro yelled something to Lance, but he couldn't hear it over the ringing in his ears from the blasts that were pounding against the shield in front of his face.

Lance dove out of the way of an oncoming blast, and Shiro took off across the room, taking out two of the guards almost instantly. They continued the fight for almost a minute, taking them all out one by one.

When they thought that they were finally done, Shiro called for the real Slav to come out of hiding, and they started to head to the Lion. Suddenly, a door slid open and the Warden appeared in the doorway. He shouted and jumped in front of them, blocking their path.

"You think you can get away with stealing my pet and my prisoner?" he laughed. The purple liquid that was held in the tubes attached to his suit slowly started to disappear, and he began to grow. The Warden tripled in size and loomed over the paladins. "You're not going anywhere!" he boomed.

"What the heck!?" Pidge screamed.

The Warden charged forward, knocking the three of them to the ground. Lance hit the ground with a thud, but quickly jumped back on his feet. This was bad. The Warden was huge. Lance wasn't sure they were going to be able to beat him. He shot a worried look at Shiro, and saw his reaction was mirrored on his face. Shiro wasn't confident in their chances either.

"In case you are wondering" Slav yelled from where ever he was hiding. "The chances of all of our survivals, are now only 3.7%!" Shiro turned to scream at Slav to shut up but was cut off when he was hit. He was thrown into the wall and landed hard on the ground.

Lance continued shooting at the giant in front of him. It didn't seem to have any affect. Lance thought back to his conversation with Pidge earlier.

"I'm the sharpshooter of the group!" he had said. "You are?" Pidge commented with a confused expression.

Did the team really not think that that was his thing? Did he not have a thing? Maybe the reason this wasn't affected the Warden was because Lance wasn't a as good a shot as he thought he was.

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