"Why are you even asking me?" I laugh.

"Cheers." He nods.

"Harry. Wait." I stop him from walking.

"Yeah?" He looks confused.

"Can I please your phone to try my mum and dad one more time? I would use mine but it has ran out of charge." I ask.

"Yeah sure you can mate." He passes me the phone so straight away I dial the numbers.


After trying multiple of times, I finally give up when I reach the voicemails. From how many times I've heard their voicemails today, I swear down that I know them of by heart.

"Still no luck?" Harry asks as I pass him the phone back.

"Nope, they are pathetic!" I shake my head.

"Max it is getting late, you should go home. Your mum and dad should at least be at home at this time of night." Harry says.

"I hate leaving Mia though." I look towards the door.

"I won't leave her side all night." Harry looks at me.

"What? Really?" I'm shocked by his words.

"Yeah, I won't be leaving here until at least I know she is getting better. Max you need your sleep, so go home, freshen up and come back in the morning or whenever." Harry suggests.

"Harry I really owe you one." I smile.

"No you don't." He shakes his head.

"Wait how will you get home?" He questions.

"I will walk. It isn't that far if you really think about it." It will be around twenty-five minutes.

"No I can't let you walk, if Mia finds out she would kill me. You know that Mia won't let you walk anywhere on you own." Yeah he has a point.

"I will get a taxi or something." I say.

"No those taxi drivers are right creeps. I will call Louis to come and get you. You know the guy that you met the other morning, the one who took you to school." Yes I remember Louis quite well.

"Yes he is funny, are you sure he wouldn't mind?" I don't want to be a pain to anyone.

"Of course not, he lives around here so by the time that you have made it to the front of the hospital he should be there."

"Okay, so I will see you in the morning then." I reply.

"Yeah you will, I promise not to leave her."

"Thanks again Harry." I'm more relaxed now that I know Mia won't be on her own all night.

"Don't thank me, it is no problem. See you tomorrow Max." He scruffs my hair up, just like Mia.

"Bye Harry." I say and make my way down the corridor.

Harry's Pov.

Finally it is my time to go and sit in with Mia. I have waited for this for so long. I couldn't rush Max because it is his sister for god sake, but I am just glad it is now my turn.

Walking into the small hospital room, I notice Mia fast asleep which I was already expecting. Her small, frail body is just lay underneath the covers with no movement to it at all. She is just so relaxed. The room would be pitch black if it wasn't for the machines lightening it up. She has wires coming out of her hand and into the machine that gives a bleep every so often. The corridor lights have now been turned off, so there is no more light appearing through the cracks in the blinds.

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