seventeen ; hello, goodbye

Start from the beginning

The reason why she was so annoyed was that Elena wouldn't stop about Klaus. She was totally paranoid and was being a worry-wart. The doppelganger was worrying about everything under the sun: when Klaus would arrive, maybe he was already here, and things like that. Melody was trying not to laugh at the irony.

Even though deep down she felt guilty for not telling them that Klaus was in town and had possessed Alaric's body, the fairytale woman told herself that she was doing something for herself for once in her life. And she told herself that she could do this one thing.

"What if he's in this room right now?" Elena worried, casting a glance around the room.

Melody rolled her eyes this time from her spot on top of the cafeteria table. "Maybe he's sitting right behind you!" The fellow brunette went wide-eyed and spun to look behind her. "Jezz, Elena. I was just joking."

Elena looked back at her with annoyance and she simply just smirked back. All of a sudden, a random girl bounded up to them with a wide smile. "Hi, Melody right?" The said female raised an eyebrow with confusion. "Okay. This is going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight."

Her face went red and she stuttered. When it came to guys, Melody had no experience. And now a guy was asking her out? "I don't know... I've never been..."

The girl seemed to understand and smiled politely. "You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus."

Melody's jaw went slack and her whole body froze. Him? He was asking her out? Her mind instantly began to reel and possible explanations presented themselves. Why would Klaus want to go to the dance with her? After all, he wasn't even in his real body. Maybe he was going to use her like Katherine. But then at the same time, he was the only person that knew the truth. He was the source of the truth.

"Melody?" Elena called. She didn't listen and stared straight at Dana with complete shock. "She's been compelled."

She still didn't listen as her mind tried to process what was happening. A date? With the supposed enemy? Melody didn't hear anything else but Dana saying, "He wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that?"

In that moment, she jumped up and ran out of the cafeteria. Melody pushed open the doors to the outside, frantically breathing in the fresh air. Her heart was pounding and she leaned against the wall. She dropped to the ground and put her hands on her head, burying her head in her knees.

One thing she feared? Loving someone in a romantic way. It was an odd fear but in her mind, it made perfect sense. For the last few years, she watched her family find love in someone. And it was so easy for them. They found their true loves and lived happily ever after; the end of their story.

Melody? She hadn't even met anyone who made her feel that way. Her fear was that no one would ever love her; that'd she never find her true love like her family has. And even if she did meet someone and fall in love with them, she was afraid that they would only hurt her. To add on to that, she was scared, she was afraid of never meeting her true love.

She was afraid of being alone

The door swung open but she didn't notice the possessed history teacher walk out and look to the side to see her. He frowned and then walked over to her. Klaus crouched down and raised a hand to put on her head but then lowered it, deciding against it.

"Melody." No response. He hesitantly reached a hand to touch her gently. When his hand made contact slightly, she flinched away from his touch. "Hey, easy, easy. I'm not going to hurt you."

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now