fourteen ; the dinner disaster

Start from the beginning

"No worries lost girl. I'm not going to kill suit and tie." Both Alaric and Melody gave him a skeptical look and Damon further explained, "I want to know his endgame before I kill him, but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met."

He tapped Alaric with the dagger but the teacher didn't look impressed. Melody stood up, throwing the blanket off of her. "I'm off the get ready for Tea Party. See you two there."

They both watched her walk away and Damon spoke up. "Who said you were going."

She looked back at him. "Me."

Melody walked away and Damon looked back at Alaric who shrugged. The vampire groaned in annoyance and then left the room.


It was just a Tea Party so Melody dressed casually in a short blue and white floral dress and white wedges, with her hair in its normal waves. She entered the Lockwood Mansion and smiled at the guest politely before looking around for Elijah.

He was talking to Carol and Melody caught the last bit of their conversation before she approached. "Carol."

The mayor saw her and smiled, as did Elijah. "Melody dear, you look beautiful as always." They hugged for a second before pulling apart.

Melody smiled. "Thank you, Carol. As do you." She turned her head to look at Elijah. She sent a teasing wink and then said, "Who's this?"

Elijah got her plan and then grinned. "Elijah. I'm writing a book about the small towns in Virginia."

He kissed her hand and the fairytale woman pretended to be surprised and intrigued. "That's very interesting. Well, I hope you find what you're looking for."

Just then, Damon approached and wrapped an arm around her waist to which she pushed it off and sent him a glare. But he pretended not to notice. The mayor dismissed it completely. "Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore," Carol introduced. "His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families."

Damon made an hmm sound and looked at Elijah. "Such a pleasure to meet you."

Melody refrained from rolling her eyes at his pathetic attempt to cover up the fact that they had met before. Elijah forced a smile. "No. Pleasure's mine."

They shook hands and it looked like Elijah was about to break his hand. Melody laughed and then interfered. "Elijah, I actually have a few questions for you if you don't mind."

The Original looked over at her with a smile. "Of course not." He extended his arm out to her and they linked arms. "Ask away." They walked away from Damon and Carol and entered the study. "I thought we already had this discussion, Melody."

Melody unlinked their arms and turned to him with her arms crossed over her chest. "Something happened after I was kidnapped by Jules and her wolf friend. I can't remember what, but something happened. And I woke up this morning, completely healed. Stefan assumed it was because my magic healed me." She narrowed her eyes at him. "But I know it wasn't."

Elijah sighed. "I don't know what to tell you."

"Well, you can start by telling me why there is a protection spell over me. Better yet, why don't you tell me when Klaus is going to be here."

He was patient with her and replied calmly. "I don't know. I can only make assumptions." It was true. Elijah didn't know if Klaus had put a protection spell over her to protect her and he didn't know when Klaus would arrive. "And making assumptions can be dangerous."

She gaped at him. "Dangerous? Gee Elijah, who knew that Klaus was dangerous? It isn't like he's planning a sacrifice or anything."

Elijah gave her a look. He knew Melody's past with lies and secrets and he knew that the one he was keeping was one that surrounded her entire life. This secret would change everything for her and her family. "You are upset, Melody. I think it is best if you return back to the Boarding House and cool off. We will talk later."

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now