"Well it is beautiful." I mock her.

"Shut it Harry." She smirks.

Finally we arrive home, and I can't wait to get in.

"Shell I tell you what, knowing my mum is home I will just come straight around to your house if that is okay? Because I can't be bothered to face her. We will most likely end up arguing like we normally do and I really can't be arsed with it today, I've had a pretty good day and I don't want her to wreck my mood by complaining and moaning at me." Why doesn't Mia get along with her mum?

"Mia?" I look at her.


"Do you trust me?" I know that is a question what you would normally ask after being friends for a long while but I just need to know if she does trust me. That is the question that is always on the front of my mind.

"Urm...yes I think I do." It took her a second to think but y the end of her sentence she smiles.

"Good." I nod with a smile growing on my face.

Finally arriving back home, I lead Mia into my house and we both take a seat on the sofa.

"It is so good to be home." Mia says and I turn my head to look at her.

"Oh no I mean...urm... I wasn't saying this was my home....I just..." I can see her blushing so I decide to step in.

"Mia it is fine, I know what you mean." I relax her by placing my hand on her shoulder. I would much rather stop her talking by placing my lips on hers though, that would soon relax her.

"So what do you want to watch tonight?" I ask.

"Anything I really don't mind." Mia shrugs not giving a care in the world.

"A horror?" I smirk.

"No definitely not!" She swats my arm.

"I think we should because you will have me to hide behind so your shouldn't be scared."

"Fine, whatever." She rolls her eyes tipping her head back to wrest it against the sofa.

*Knock, knock.*

We both turn our heads towards the door.

Standing to my feet, I soon make my way over to open the door. I know it will be one of the lads, most likely Louis... Wouldn't surprise me.

"Alright mate...oh hiya Mia...again I see." Louis turns and smirks at me before carrying on into the lounge. I ignore the smirk and just shake my head, I will not let him try and embarrass me in front of Mia.

"So why have you came here Louis?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Sorry was I interrupting something?" He is only winding you up just keep calm Harry, keep calm!

"Of course not." Mia speaks for the first time.

"Sure I wasn't. Anyway I came around to ask if you wanted to come to Lee's party tonight, it is going to be a right laugh." Louis questions.

"Well sorry mate, I can't not tonight." I look at Mia to make it obvious to Louis but I don't think she sees me.

"Ah I see, well you are missing out big time man." Louis soon must realise that I am trying to spend a night with Mia.

"Harry don't not go because of me, just go and have fun." Mia says standing to her feet.

"No really staying in and watching a film sounds good." I smile and I hear Louis laugh but decide not to look at him. It is true that I'm missing out because Lee does have really good parties, actually some of the best. But because I have the option of going to a party or spending a night with Mia, I would much rather stay in with Mia.

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