"You look so confused." I shake my head looking at Harry.

"Well yeah wouldn't you be if you had just been told that a boy who you thought was straight was gay?" Harry puts his arms out.

"Well yeah I suppose I would be." I shrug trying to stop myself from laughing, I have laughed for way too long.

"Does James fancy me then?" Harry smirks.

"What would make you even think that." I ask.

"Well everyone fancies me, and I have me pretty harsh to James and he is always nice to me so he must fancy me." Harry licks his bottom lip.

"You are full of yourself." I swat his arm.

"You love it." He laughs.

"Well I suppose it is funny." I reply.

"At least I put a smile on your face." He looks down at my lips.

"Yes, yes you did. Thank you." I nod.

"You really don't have to thank me, I will have to make you smile more often." His eyes meet mine.

"Would be nice from arguing all the time." It is true I don't want to have to argue with him, I like Harry in this mood he is funny and entertaining.

"Yeah sorry for that, I just wake up in a bad mood some days. Plus you are annoying so you can't really blame me." He jokes.

"Oii I am not the annoying one because you are." I joke back.

"Oh is that so." He raises his eyebrows.

"Yes." I try and act serious but can't help the smile that is braking through my lips.

We sit for a little long at the kitchen counter having a laugh and joking around with each other, it actually has been really funny and Harry still can't stop laughing from finding out that James is gay. He isn't being horrible about it just in shock and can't really believe me.

"Well we best go and clean that mess up now." I stand.

"Nope, we will go and watch a film like I said." Harry also stands.

"No you said you would make us a hot chocolate and watch a film until I was happy, I'm not happy." I smirk.

"I don't care, watching a film sounds good so that is what we will do." He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs. His hand on mine feels so right and I don't want him to let go, but I know he feels nothing for me he is only doing it to take me upstairs to watch a film.

"This is my room in my house." I walk in looking around his room. I basically know my way around this house because it is set out the exact same way as mine well that is down to them being twin houses. I've spent most of my life in this room from staying over at Victoria's, so I just feel as if I'm at home.

Harry is so tidy and clean I would have never suspected that, meaning with all the parties he has I was expecting a big mess and bottles of liquor spilled everywhere. Well one message that I have learnt today is never judge a book by its cover.

Harry's Pov.

What the actual fuck? Mia and James aren't dating they are just friends. James is gay? Wow I would have never of thought that. I can't believe I actually thought that they was dating, but I'm so happy to hear that their not I can't even explain. Here I am now, with Mia in my bedroom god I would love to take her on that bed right now...no, one step at a time Harry, one step at a time.

"What do you want to watch." I look over my left shoulder to Mia.

"Anything but nothing upsetting." Mia stands in the corner.

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