"Bridget?" I heard a voice come from around the corner. I looked around and Hermione, Harry, and Ron were walking towards me. "What happened? Are you okay? We saw Malfoy running out and..."

"I'm fine," I put my hands up, "but I need to tell you guys what happened." We all sat at a table as I explained the current situation. 

After I finished Ron piped up, "Maybe he's trying to get close to you. So you won't expect him to be the heir."

I shook my head, "I don't know, but I hope that's not the case." 

We all got up and followed Hermione, "Well, yes that was weird, but we need to get what we came here for." She walked down an aisle with books about potions. Potions? Why a potion Hermione? 

"Here it is," Hermione picked a book off the shelf and flipped onto a page. "Polyjuice potion. Polyjuice potion, once made properly, can give the drinker the physical appearance of another temporarily."

"So if that means Harry, and I drink that stuff we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asked with excitement. 

"Yes," Hermione rolled her eyes. I giggled, and shook my head, Boys...

"That's wicked. Malfoy won't expect a thing," He smiled. 

"Yes," Hermione glanced at the book, "but it's tricky. I've never see such a complicated potion." 

"I'll help," I added. "I'm quite good in potions may I add." 

"How long will it take to make?" Harry asked. 

"A month," Hermione closed the book. 

"A month?!" Harry was stunned. "But Hermione, if Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin, he could attack half the muggle-borns in the school by then." 

"I know but it's the only plan we've got," Hermione held the book close to her chest. 

"Also," I spoke up, "if Malfoy's not the heir, we'll be wasting our time." 

"It's not like we have lives," Ron shrugged. 

"Yeah," I commented, "you two." 

=== Time Skip ===

We decided to walk back to the Gryffindor tower so we could chat about the potion. Hermione had checked out the book, and as we were walking we walked past the courtyard. I glanced out and I saw Draco leaning up against the tree. He was alone. "I'll meet you guys at the commons. I've gotta figure things out." 

I walked over to him, and I noticed he was holding an apple. Is it just me, or does he look good right now? Stop. It. I walked up to him, as he took a bite of the apple (#Drapple). I could feel my heart racing, and I was getting flushed. He stared at me, as he slowly took the apple out of his mouth. 

"Hey," I spoke. 

"Hi," I could hear a voice crack, and his face got red. 

"I-uh-wanted to talk about what happened in the library." 

"What happened in the library?" He was almost clueless, but he wasn't going to fool me. He knows what I'm talking about. 

"Don't act like you don't know," I said. 

He sighed and started to walk away. 

I followed him, "You're not going to get rid of me like that." 

"But I can try," He spoke, not looking back at me.

"That's my line," I got in front of him, so he couldn't go anywhere. "What happened?" 

He groaned and leaned up against the wall. 

"How you touched my hand? How you were protective over me?" I asked raising my right eyebrow. "How you stood up to Parkinson when you knew I could've."

"It's just..." He paused. I could tell he was trying to collect his thoughts. Then he spoke, "I want to be friends with you because I know in the future I'm going to need you. I don't want anything to happen to you because I haven't got a chance to be your friend." 

He wants to be my friend? That's beyond weird from last year. "What about Pugface?" 

"She was just getting on my nerves," He shrugged. 

I let out a chuckle, "Okay, well, I need to get going. I just wanted you to clear it up for me," I turned away. "Bye Malfoy," I smiled. I felt my face getting red hot again. I felt my heart racing. 

Then it came into a realization. 

I like Draco Malfoy...

The ProtectorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora