Chapter 70 "You did it bro"

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*Read to the end of the chapter*

-Colby's POV-

Troy and I had got in contact and planned to fight tomorrow night. Briana wanted to stay over, so I made sure it was the night after. I walked into my room from being downstairs in the kitchen, seeing the beauty herself sitting on the couch in my room, on her phone as usual. She looked up at me with innocent eyes as I came in, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"I got you some food since you were complaining" I chuckled and threw a candy bar at her, almost hitting her in her eye but the candy bar hit her cheek instead.

"Hey!" She whined, holding her poor cheek.

"Come on loser, it isn't that bad" I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist, tracing circles in her skin with my fingertips.

"Shut up" She stuck her tongue out. Briana ate her candy bar whilst scrolling through Instagram, occasionally liking people's pictures. I headed over to my desk to go on my MacBook.

"Why is Sam freaking out and trying to gain some sort of strength?" Briana spoke up from behind me.

"He was talking about some video but decided to give up on it cause he's so shit at building muscle" I joked, Briana snorting from behind me.

"I'm gonna go see Circa and talk to Devyn. She wanted me to get into the makeup artist business and I thought it was pretty cool. I'll be back" Briana stood up and walked over to me, kissing my cheek and then leaving the room. When she left, I stared up at the ceiling, feeling guilt wash over me. I can't believe I was lying to my own girlfriend. I put her through so much shit at this point. My mind kept racing around with thoughts about the fight and what I was going to do after. Troy's words 'I don't do threats, I do guarantees' kept popping up, his voice clouding my thoughts. Anger began to build up because of him, making me lose control a little. I stood up and punched my wall, my knuckles bleeding from the force.

"Fuck!" I groaned.

"Ohhh-Kay? Why did you just do that?" Briana stood in the door way with a glass of juice, a confused look on her face.

"Colby! You better not be destroying this house!" Elton yelled from downstairs.

"Sorry, Uncle Elton!" I yelled back, my annoyed face still there. I turned back to Briana and smiled like I was fine, causing her to be even more confused. Blood gushed down my hand as my knuckles bled. Briana noticed and advanced forward to examine my wounds.

"Look what you did dumbass" She sighed, dragging me to the bathroom so that she could presumably clean my bloody knuckles. "Why do boys always punch walls when they're mad?" She asked as she wet the corner of a towel, beginning to clean away the blood.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows knit together in confusion. She sighed as she repeatedly wiped off the drying blood, starting to speak again.

"Like, my boyfriends in the past always did it when they got mad. Is it just a boy thing?" She looked up and then looked back down at my hand.

"Well, I guess so. Don't all girls cry when they're frustrated?"

"Touché but not all. Well, maybe but then again we can't just assume-" I cut her off, bored of her talking.

"Briana, shush" using my other hand, I pressed my index finger against my lips in a joking manner. Briana groaned and finished up cleaning my hand. Just as I turned to walk out, she pulled me back.

"Ah Ah Ah! I need to bandage your hand" I sighed, slightly annoyed.

"You don't really have to" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Who's the one that did a first aid course in high school?"

"Shut up" my sarcasm must've been too much for her, making her get angry with me.

"Alright, I guess you don't want-" she started to roll the bandage back up.

"Just bandage the fucking thing" My face was filled with amusement as she fake smiled and started to dress my hand.

Briana and I were in bed, her sleeping with her breathing slow and steady. I was kept up about the fight, it making me stay awake. Was this the right thing to do? Either I get my face smashed in or Troy gets his face smashed in. We both know who'll get that. I just needed the sleep and energy otherwise I'll be way too weak to do the fight.

The entire day, I made sure to keep punching things to try and gain some sort of strength out of it. Obviously it wouldn't be that easy but with Sam Golbach as your coach, it makes it incredibly funny. He was such a shit coach so I called in Corey. He was a bigger help, along with Elton.

Corey and Elton came with me to the fight, incase they needed to jump in and save my ass. That won't need to happen though. We pulled up to the chosen spot for the fight, Troy waiting for me.

"I thought we fucking agreed on no crowds or anything" Troy narrowed his eyes at Elton and Corey.

"They're Just here to watch" I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you think this man bun dick and that old guy are gonna help you, maybe a toddler would be a bigger help" Troy laughed.

"Watch it dude, Colby is gonna hang you out to dry" It was obvious Corey was getting heated.

The fight began with Troy swinging first, me luckily dodging. A few punches were thrown, only minor injuries caused. I then punched Troy in the lip, his lip beginning to gush with blood.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled before wiping away the blood and started to go ham on me. The punches kept coming and coming, making me fall to the floor. Troy and I fought on the floor before Elton pulled me up and stopped the fight. Corey pulled Troy away. Troy looked incredibly fucked up compared to me. I had a scratch across the bridge of my nose, a busted lip and a cut above my eyebrow with a bruise or two. Troy looked like he had got ganged up on.

"Fuck this! I'll be back for you Colby and be prepared for Briana to find out. You'll fucking regret this, trust me" He laughed a little as he ran to his car.

"Good job bro, you did it" Corey patted my back as I stood with my hands on my knees, panting.

*You have reached the end of the book!*

Hello! I purposely made the ending abrupt and with no hint as to what will happen in the sequel. I guess that just adds to wanting to know more.

The release of the sequel will be Saturday. I'll add one final update here about it so please make sure you check that out if you loved this book!

Thank you to everyone who has read this and who has voted/commented/added to their library or reading list. This has been one of my most successful fanfictions so far which is why a sequel will be returning.

I'll see you all on Saturday in the new book :)

Love you all ❤️

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