Chapter 39 "I didn't know salt shakers could talk"

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A/N - If you're currently watching Riverdale season one, there are spoilers on season two included so read on your own accord.

-Briana's POV-

"I'm telling you it's Betty's dad!" Rachel yelled at me from across the room, tossing some popcorn at my head. Gee, don't disrespect food like that. We were watching the recent episode of Riverdale season two, Rachel convinced that the guy that shot Archie's dad is Betty's dad. I honestly had no idea who it was, but I had a theory that Cheryl's dad's suicide was faked and that he was the killer. Either way, I wanna find the fuck out who it is.

"SHHHH! I'm trying to watch it!" I hushed her. Rachel rolled her eyes and sat back, glued to the TV again. Five minutes later, we were interrupted again by my phone message tone sounding.

"Briana! I'm trying to watch, shhhhh!" She mocked me, returning her attention back to the TV. My eyes rolled at her, my finger print unlocked my phone. I hadn't checked who texted me before, so I had no idea who it was. Until I read my messages of course.

Colby kept sending me messages filled with concern, worried about what I had in mind for tomorrow

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Colby kept sending me messages filled with concern, worried about what I had in mind for tomorrow. Trust me, he's gonna need a life jacket and some floaties because we're gonna be taking on Santa Monica. Rachel and I finished Riverdale, chilling in her living room talking.

"So he wants to take you somewhere but doesn't know where?" Rachel slapped her hand off of her face, making me laugh a little.

"Well he isn't gonna hand me a fucking essay on places to take me! Plus, I have a place in mind" Rachel winked at me, insinuating something else. No Rachel, no.

"So where are you taking lover boy then?" She played with her hair.

"Santa Monica to get some surfing lessons. I'm sure it would make for a very good team building session" My head was held high with pride. I was actually shitting myself for surfing because I had never been myself. Maybe it'll be a first for both of us?

"Promise me you'll tell him how you actually feel while you're out? You both seriously have feelings and I don't wanna see you hurt because you both can't move forward" Rachel held up her pinky finger, waiting for me to raise my hand and link my pinky with hers. I swear I still use pinky promises for a legitimate foundation of trust.

"We'll see how it goes and if he says something or if it goes well then I will" my pinky wrapped around hers. Rachel and I were getting increasingly tired, eventually falling asleep. What does tomorrow hold? A shitload of feelings.

-Colby's POV-

"Ooooh, secrecy" Sam laughed, watching Corey play Rocket League.

"I'm scared bro! What if she brings me to some warehouse and slaughters me?!" I freaked out, everybody laughing at me. Briana would have reason to, but she's too nice.

"Come on dude, Brennen knows her and so do you. She's the last person who would do that and plus she would be freaking out in an abandoned warehouse" Corey made faces at the TV, desperately trying not to lose.

"Which also reminds me, in a few days we're heading to an abandoned water park" Elton came in with Circa following.

"Circa!" We all cried, giving her attention.

"That sounds awesome but also how we're gonna die. Thank you Elton" Sam sarcastically joked.

"I'm gonna go sleep or edit guys" I stood up from my chair and stretched, making random noises while I stretched. Doesn't everybody do that though? It's funny as hell anyway.

"Later, Colby" Corey and Sam said in unison. My heavy eyes and I travelled upstairs to my room and I collapsed on my bed. I started to overthink and trip over myself in my head as I thought about what tomorrow held. Will I go through with finally expressing how I feel and that I wanna take another step? I really hope so because I'm finally ready. It just depends if I have the power to do so. And if Briana is ready.

-Briana's POV-

"It's too bright" I complained as Rachel stood beside the curtain, holding it open purposely. Wow, thanks. Blind me why don't you.

"Get up, you only have an hour to get ready" She pulled my arm only for me to come crashing and land on the cold floor. The coldness instantly woke me up and my eyes opened quickly.

"I don't need to wear makeup because I'm gonna be getting wet anyway" Rachel wiggles her eyebrows at me, again insinuating something else. "Ew you freak!" I threw a hoodie at her.

"I'm gonna make some breakfast. Go get ready and shit otherwise Colby is gonna be pleasantly surprised seeing you in your Disney pyjamas" Rachel pointed at my matching Beauty and The Beast pyjamas. She is so salty today. My pyjamas are fire. If you don't agree then get outta here.

"Piss off they are so cute" I smacked her arm.

"I just received a fine plate of salty from you" Rachel winked.

"And you dished it to me first, Miss Salt queen" I placed my hand on my hip, feeling so cool even though I looked so dumb.

"Eh? I didn't know salt shakers could talk" Rachel and I laughed. I really needed to start getting ready, so I went to the bathroom and showered. Since I wasn't wearing makeup today, getting ready was going to be simple. For the day, I wore,

You know, I have got to rep my brothers merch

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You know, I have got to rep my brothers merch. I sent Brennen a picture of me wearing his merch on Snapchat and he totally freaked out. I loved showing my support for my friends. Especially close ones. A trick Rachel had taught me when wearing t-shirts that were maybe too long or you wanted to secure was that you use a hair tie and tie your shirt at the back and push the tie part up so it isn't noticeable. I did that with Brennen's merch shirt and pulled on my hoodie. Rachel helped me out with my messy low bun and she also made such a nice breakfast for us. I seriously loved her. But we all knew who I loved the most. Kobe. I'm just kidding. I'm so fucking funny.


Holy no I have a history test tomorrow and have I revised? Nah. I honestly don't know why I don't prepare myself for tests especially in subjects I chose myself lmao. Its cool though. I'll just watch memes all night and that will totally help me out with Hitler and Germany. Definitely! :,) rip me

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