Chapter 18 "Colby, Colby, Colby"

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"Morning" I greeted a finally sober Colby who laid on the couch, wrapped up in a throw blanket, his clothes laying on the floor.

"Hey" he yawned, groaning. I felt bad for him really. I remembered what happened last night and felt guilty for being such a bitch to him. But when you continually get insulted and annoyed by him, you just wanna scream. I still don't condone how I acted towards him, especially when he was far from reality. How much did he have to drink again?

"So, do you remember what happened last night?" I asked, curious if he remembered.

"Yeah, I really wanna apologise for putting the blame on you. It was my fault for Castrid and I's break up" Colby apologised? Woah, I'm seeing changes already.

"I'm sorry for going in on you aswell, it was out of order considering you had just been dumped and drank to forget about it" shit yo, I sounded so sophisticated. Go me.

"I guess I should explain what happened" Colby started. This is what I was waiting for. Answers and an explanation.

-Colby's POV From The Party-

The party was going crazy. My hand clung to Castrid's, tugging her along with me to sit down. I was slightly tipsy and I didn't intend to drink anymore. My balance was slightly off, which made manoeuvring myself around hard. Castrid and I took a seat and talked. She seemed sort of off, but then again, it was hard to tell, seeing as she had had a few drinks herself. God, I don't know what was going on. My head was everywhere.

"Why have you been acting weird around me lately?" Castrid's face turned to pure curiosity.

"What do you mean?" I licked my lips nervously, taking a sip from my sour drink.

"Come on Colby, do you think I'm dumb? All this shit you're saying to me tonight is totally new. You never act so..affectionate and all these compliments I mean, what's going on?" Dang Castrid, you may as well have wrote me an essay.

"Look, I don't think your dumb and yes, you've found me out. I got help from Briana because I want you and I to actually work" I put a hand over my mouth, not meaning to completely rat myself out. Fucksake, Colby. Castrid's face turned to complete disgust.

"So you can't say all those things to me without having to get help from some chick that you barely know? You also forgot to mention how she's staying with you alone" Castrid went completely cold. There was no going back now. I have completely fucked my relationship.

"Castrid, I barely even like her, come on don't be like this. She was the next best person to give me advice" I got a little pissy. Couldn't she see I was trying to make us actually work?

"I'm just starting to believe that you two have something going on and I don't like it, I don't like her" Castrid swirled her drink around in her hand.

"We have nothing going on, nothing at all" Castrid was making it sound like I should completely get rid of her. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm like this towards Briana. There's just something about her that makes me want to hate her. Maybe it's some way of me dealing with her but I don't know.

"I think that you and I should just be friends because I don't wanna run around chasing you when you don't even wanna make an effort. I don't think there's anyway we can salvage this relationship" my heart literally ripped in two. Was she really considering letting us go? No, fuck that.

"Whatever you wanna do. If you wanna break up with me then there's nothing I can do to make you change your mind" I sighed, the party atmosphere now making me want to leave. It wasn't any fun anymore.

"See? You don't even care" Castrid stood up.

"I do care, trust me, it's hurting me as much as it's hurting you. It's up to you what you wanna do" she didn't even realise how much I was affected by this.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around then" she scoffed and walked off. Woah, fine then. Don't even let me say goodbye.

"Fuck you then" I threw my drink away from me, some random girl squealing as it hit the back of her legs. I needed some air and a pal, so I grabbed my friend and went outside, explaining everything to him.

"Don't let it get to you man, it's her loss really" my friend sipped on his drink as I paced around, ready to punch the wall.

"I wanna hit the wall" I balled up my fist.

"Don't do it, it's not worth it Colby. It really isn't" Just as he finished, I hit the wall really hard, my knuckles bleeding immediately. That's when the whole idea of me not drinking anymore than I had, got thrown out the window. I got myself so wasted. Wasted to the point where I couldn't remember anything. Until I saw Briana at home.

-Briana's POV-

"Colby oh my gosh" he showed me his knuckles after he had finished explaining the events of last night.

"I was so pissed off" Colby laid back again. I would be too. Why do most boys punch walls though? What did they ever do so bad to them? Just as I was about to say something, Colby got a message which led to him throwing it onto the floor. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. What could've pissed him off so much? I had to be a good friend, although he probably didn't class me as a friend, and try to get his mood lifted. Fingers crossed that I could, otherwise I will literally throw myself out of my window. Smiley face.


Ayo, I'm really fuckin' tired so I am gonna sleep. Tomorrow I'm gonna be out again so, idk how updating is gonna work tomorrow. Also, I painted my nails black because I only really wear black on my nails and holy fuck is using your left hand to paint your right hand hard, especially if you're a righty and not a lefty or both. Ima go but, I hope you enjoyed and if you did, give this an add to your library/reading list ❤️

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