Chapter 21 "Rollercoaster of 'I dont like you's"

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Today was a fresh new day but over and over in my head, I continued to think about what Castrid had said. Maybe Colby was just getting nicer and the whole perfect thing was a joke. I got myself up and out of bed, creeping downstairs to the kitchen. Colby was sitting eating some cereal but stood up when I came in.

"Morning" I yawned, grabbing some cereal myself.

"Sup" His response rolled off of his tongue so dryly. What was up with him?

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned for him.

"I just don't like being lied to" He set his bowl aside. He had found out. But how? It's not like Castrid and him like eachother anymore.

"What do you-"

"Don't act stupid, I know you went to Castrid to talk shit about me" What?! Talk shit? Trust me Colby, that's the last thing I would do. Especially in this instance where I'm living with you.

"Talk shit?!" I squeaked.

"Mhm, Castrid told me all of the shit you were saying" oh my God, are we still in middle school?

"I can assure you that I had said nothing of that nature" I bit my lip in anger, tasting a metal taste as the realisation hit me that I had bit down too hard on my lip.

"Prove it" Colby crossed his arms, his muscles tensing.

"I don't need to prove anything and anyway, why believe somebody that clearly doesn't care about you" Woah Briana, that was well out of order. We weren't even fighting either. It just slipped out.

"Thanks, Briana" Colby mumbled, playing with the corner of the counter.

"Colby, I didn't mean to say that I promise" He looked crushed. Briana, why do you say shit like this? Oh yeah, because Colby does the same thing to me and doesn't apologise like I do.

"It's cool" he mumbled again.

"I'm really really sorry Colby" I walked a little closer to him.

"But it's true though" Colby looked up at me.


"We both don't care anymore so why should I be affected by you saying that? I know I don't care and I know she doesn't" Colby looked out of the window and crossed his arms. Shitttt. I really hit hard. How I wish I could reverse time right now.

"Colby you know that's not true" I looked down at my hands.

"But Briana it is. If I'm honest, there was nothing there at the end. I didn't have feelings for her anymore" Colby sighed. I felt like crying for him. This was so sad.

"Of course you still care, you always will. It's just a matter of time before the hurting stops"

"What hurting? I'm not hurt because I knew I lost my feelings the minute that I-" just as Colby was about to speak, the gate buzzer went off. Colby and I exchanged looks before he walked off to go and get it. I continued to get my cereal and eat it, going upstairs to get changed after. Los Angeles was actually cold for once, maybe because it was fall, so I wore,

 Los Angeles was actually cold for once, maybe because it was fall, so I wore,

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My makeup consisted of my eyebrows, some concealer and chapstick and mascara. I honestly felt too lazy to do anything special.

"Briana!" I heard someone call from downstairs. Of course, it could only be Colby.

"Yeah?!" I opened my door and yelled back to Colby.

"Do you wanna come to an abandoned place with me and my friend Jake?" Colby yelled again. Jake? Who's that?

"Sure!" I grabbed my phone and whatever else and headed downstairs. Colby and Jake were talking when I walked in, them stopping when they saw me.

"Briana, this is Jake Webber" Colby introduced me to Jake. We greeted eachother, me being a little more shy than usual.

"Where are we going?" I asked, even though I knew. My cheeks were blushing slightly as Colby looked like in the eyes. God damn, he was something. Fucking fine that's what he was.

"An abandoned factory or something. Jake used to go to it when he was younger so it should be good" Colby stood very close to me, our arms slightly brushing off of eachother.

"Are you guys a thing?" Jake looked between Colby and I suspiciously, amused by our sudden embarrassment. I moved away from Colby, the awkwardness eating at me.

"No, I don't even class us as friends" Colby laughed loudly. Here we go again, back on this shitty rollercoaster that I can't seem to get off. The rollercoaster of 'I don't like you's' and the annoying ass insults. I wish it would stop like it seemed to have last night. Obviously Colby feels the need to show off in front of his friends.

"Dude! That's mean!" Jake laughed very loudly. Now I regret agreeing to go to this abandoned place.

"Can we just go?" I scoffed, the two boys nodding and heading out to Colby's car. I sat in the back, silently. I was afraid to say anything in case Colby had some smart shit to say. They were filming a video, me not being in it because I stayed out of the way. When we got to the abandoned place, I slouched behind, letting them do their thing. I wasn't going to lie, the place was scary enough in the day time. I felt creeped out and all kinds of scared. The place isn't interesting enough to comment on, apart from the two boys dicking around while I stayed behind the scenes. Colby climbed up into the roof that seemed as though it could collapse any second, which concerned me greatly.

"Colby get down, you're gonna hurt yourself" I bit my lip in fear of something going wrong.

"Shut up Briana, I don't need you to help me" The boys laughed.

"You know what, fine, I'll leave" I really couldn't be bothered to argue with Colby and to even say something twice as hurtful back so, I stormed off, too moody to talk to either one of those idiots.

"Briana, it was just a joke come on!" They yelled to me.

"Maybe you being nice to me is also a big joke, cause' it'll never happen!" I yelled back, walking to the car and getting in, sitting alone and quiet. Maybe Colby and I are just better off hating eachother. He only said he was joking to get me to come running back. The bigger joke is the whole idea of us two getting along. Give me a fucking miracle cause' I'm gonna need one.


I'm gonna keep this Author's Note short and sweet because I'm gonna try get another part of this up for you tonight. I love you readers and I hope you're enjoying this book :)

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