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Bomi visited Aera after her classes had finished, she slowly creaked open the door and allowed herself to slither in.

Aera hearing the old door squeak, picked herself up from the bed.

"Sorry to wake you up." Bomi sat on the edge of the mattress, placing her belongings aside.

Aera smiled knowing it was her best friend Bomi. "It's okay, Bomi. My mom wouldn't let me get out of bed until I took a nap. I'm not sick, I feel perfectly fine." She placed her hands in her lap, perplexed of her sudden sickness.

"Your mom told me over the phone. I was thinking...well I don't know how to even ask you." Bomi wavered.

"Tell me, Bomi." She seeks for her friend's hand, her only way of gesture of looking at her.

Bomi placed a hand on top. "Remember when you told me about your trip with Suga? Because of the Jungkook incident. Aera I'm still so sorry about that, I should have never given you advice to date him..." Aera had informed her best friend of the trip with Suga earlier.

"Bomi, please you already said that for the 20th time. I made those decisions myself. I'm happy now with Suga. That's all that matters."

Bomi looked down, "Ok, Aera. But what I wanted to say was, did you and Suga...do it?"

Do it? Do what? Sex? Is she insisting......that I could be...... pregnant? Aera laughed, "Bomi, I'm not pregnant."

"How do you know? You look fine now, it sounds like morning sickness to me." She crossed her arms.

"Even if we did...that doesn't make sense." The first time they had sex, they were intoxicated, drunken by their actions, did they use protection then? She couldn't remember. Shit She froze.

She let go of her friend's holding and dug her hands in her hair again. Frantic. She tried thinking back to that night again, she remembered the beautiful love they made, it was one of the most special nights of her life. The connection they had sparking each other with every movement and touch. She was possessed by his love with their nights together, she never took their protection into consideration.  "Shit, Shit, Shit." She whispered.

"What?" Her friend held her shoulder.

Bomi took her hands out of her hair and tilted her chin up. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"I-I d-don't know If we ever u-used protection...." She spoke in a quiet voice.

"Aera, you should always—I brought a pregnancy test on the way, just in case. Let's check."

She started over thinking. Baby? Suga and I just got together, it's been a few weeks. If that were the case how would he even react to that? How could I even take care of a baby, I'm still young, I'm blind. That doesn't make sense...that doesn't add up. Shit it could add up, I don't even know if we used protection. It could just be something bad that I ate last night. Right? "Do you think I'm p-pregnant?!" She gripped her friends hand tightly.

"Aera, let's check. You might not even be, it could be something else." Bomi rummaged in her bag for the box. 

"Here, go put this in. Do you need help?"

She shook her head slow, confused. Her heart was pounding just by the touch of the box on her palm.

"Ok, I'll wait here." Bomi squeezed her hand.

Aera slowly got up and dragged herself with discourage into the bathroom. She opened the box, her insides exploding with every step she took.

From the basic understanding of how to use the test she followed the procedure, she carefully took the examination. And held the answer of her life between her fingertips.

She felt so useless again, she couldn't see her own answer that was right in front of her. Inches away.

She left the bathroom, welcomed by her friend waiting anxiously for her.

"Aera, you okay?" Bomi stood not taking a look at the test.

She nodded, completely muted, her heart felt like it was coming out of her throat and settling there. She couldn't breathe properly.

Bomi noticing her panic, "Aera...listen to me, you might not even be pregnant. Whatever the answer is, we'll get through this. I'm sure Suga will take any answer, he's a good man."

Aera nodded, calming down slightly. The thought of Suga steadied her. She handed Bomi the analysis.

Bomi closed her eyes and peeked at the test. She gulped, she looked at Aera, looking elsewhere. Unaware of the answer in her own hands.

Aera noticed the silence, "Bomi please tell me." She pleaded.

Bomi didn't know how to, what to say. She was having a hard time opening her mouth. "Aera...You're pregnant."

A/N: WOah... Shitt. 👶🏻???

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