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Aera and her friends sat in Sociology class listening to a boring lecture. Aera had her recorder out which she used for every class to listen back to understand the information. She was also typing into her laptop connected to a braille display, allowing her to remember the notes.

As class had finally finished, Aera and Bomi headed to their next class as Jiwoo went to her work.

"Aera is it ok if I drop you in front of the building? I have to go to my next class early because I have a test." Bomi placed a hand on her forearm concerned .

"Yeah Bomi Its fine, I've been in the music building multiple times I can manage." Reassured her with a smile.

"Okay, make sure to read the braille on the signs. If you go straight and to the left there shou- "

"Bomi, don't worry. I know where to go" Aera laughed at her friend's concern.

"Araso, sorry! I'll get you after class!" Bomi stroked Aera's head and ran off to her next class.

Aera walked forward taking her right hand out in assumption that she had reached for the door handle of the building. As she did, she was bumped by large figure almost knocking her to the ground.

"Hey watch where you're going." A heavy man said irritatingly.

A sturdy arm had wrapped around her waist in time, leaning her against his solid build. Securing her from falling.

"Are you okay?" The voice sounded muffled to Aera. He was wearing a black leather face mask.

Her face was hot, she felt embarrassed. So she tried her best to sturdy herself. He let go of her.

"I'm fine, thank you." her lips turned up slightly and she went on to turn around to the building, but just to make sure...

"The music building is that way right?" She faced towards the man with a faint voice.

"Yeah, do you need help?" He offered.

A little difficult for her understanding his words, "Umm thank you I'm fine." She nodded.

"Okay" he simply stated, scratching the back of his neck.

She turned around again and made a few more steps and reached out feeling the metal bar.

Phew. She thought. That was nerve wracking. She read the braille on the signs of each classroom as they were a few steps apart and finally found her Music class. She beamed at her success and entered the class using her cane to make sure she wasn't bumping into anyone or anything. The classroom was quiet, it possibly meant that no one had arrived yet and she sat in the first seat that she found which was the very back. She took out her books for Music which the cover page was written in braille for her to identify by. Her books were expensive since they were "special", the librarian had said. She loved music and was happy that she was able to take this class although she was impaired. She took out her recorder from her backpack and as she intended to place it on her table it fell through her fingers. Great. She thought, sighing out. Sudden steps approached her.... the unknown individual bent down to pick up her device. The person took a gentle hold of her wrist and firmly placed her possession in her palm.

Startled, she just replied saying "thank you" and straightened herself in her seat.

"You're welcome" he nodded. His voice was indistinct, similar to the man that caught her from embarrassment outside.

He grabbed the chair next to her and sat down, softly clearing his throat.

Why is he sitting next to me when there's like 50 other seats?? She shook the thought as other students trickled in to attend class.

What she didn't know was of him having his eyes on her the entire class. Observing her every movement.


Broken Memories in Darkness || Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now