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A week had passed, she followed her schedule of class then studio as she was always excited to be meeting Suga, they casually went out for food and dates together after their sessions.

It was a normal day and she came back from class, she helped her mother with chores around the house and wasn't able to do her normal visitation at the studio.

She laid on her bed and swung her phone between her fingers. She felt the bracelet around her hand, the exquisite jewels with particular shapes. Each embedded with their own meaning. She thought of Suga daily, from attending classes, to doing a simple chore, as the bracelet danced along her wrist. It was as if he was always with her.

Thinking about him this very moment. She was eager to call him. What if he's busy? What if he's.....idk...

She pressed her home button, then disturbed by a call. "DIng ,dINg, DIng ,dINg, DIng ,dINg call from Suga-"

She quickly answered. "H-hello." She held the phone against her ear.

"Hey Aera." He said from the other line.

"Hey." She bit her lip in excitement.

"Are you about to sleep?" He asked.

"mhhmm, you woke me up." She joked.

"oh sorry then I'll han-"

"Noo! I'm just kidding." She giggled.

"Bad kitten." He said

"Good pup." She smiled

He chuckled. "I recorded your song. I added in my rap, I can't wait for you to hear it."

"Really??" She sat up quickly.

"Really, you can listen to it tomorrow, when I see you. I miss you right now."

"I miss you too." She said shyly playing with the rim of her shirt.

"You're so shy."

"Me? That's how you make me feel." She said confidently.

"Then I'm the luckiest man."

"And I'm the luckiest girl."

She heard his sly smooch from the other line. "You're so cheesy." She giggled.

"I've gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Ugh that's so long, I can't wait that long to hear the song."

"So you're more excited about the song then me?"


"Bye! My Suga puppy!" She kissed the phone and hung up.

She placed the phone on her chest and rested her eyes. Of course, she was excited to see him. Each time they spent together she was able to recollect their togetherness. Tomorrow was a new day to flourish their affection that she could recall the day after, the week after, the years after. 

A/N: Forgive me for the small chapters, at least I'm uploading right? Can't wait for tomorrow's upload! THE GIF= THREE DOLLA CHAINZ⛓

 Thank you all for the support and love again! Hope those who are on holiday are enjoying times with their families! ~Vote and comment!💕

Broken Memories in Darkness || Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now