Homework problems and Jimmy answers

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Trish: He's acting wired.

Ally: Are you ok?

Trish; Yeah I'm fine. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it was wrong for me to crush on that red-headed doofus anyway. I gotta go. * picks up her tray and leaves*

Ally: And then there was one.

* After lunch*

Austin: Yo, we have chemistry  next. I don't feel like hearing her screaming I didn't do her fucking homework!

Trish: Shoot I didn't either! She expect to much!

Austin: Right!

Mrs. Cook: Ok everyone copy down tonight's homework and then take out yesterdays homework.

Trish:* Groans*

Mrs. Cook: Austin, ally Trish, dez. Where's your homework?

* Ally hand Mrs. Cook her homework*

Mrs. cook: Dez you were late so you are excused. Trish and Austin homework?

Austin: I didn't do it.

Trish: Neither did i.

Mrs.Cook: Why not?

Trish: Because you gave us like 20 carbon questions. People have things to do we can't be doing all of that!

Austin: I just didn't understand it.

Mrs. Cook: What do you mean you didn't understand? We had a lesson about the carbon cycle yesterday in class!

Austin: Well people forget.

Trish: Not everyone moves at the same past. You can go back and give us recaps sometimes! 

Mrs. Cook: Ok fine I don't have time for you two. Austin homework zero. Patricia homework zero.

Trish: It's Trish! 

 * Mrs. Cook walks away*

Ally: you guys I could have helped.

Trish: no it's cool. you had a lot on your plate.

Dez: * quietly laughing and texting*

Austin: who are you texting?

Dez: No one! * quickly shoves his phone in his pocket*

Trish: Ally I need an answer.

Austin: On what?

Ally: Austin, jimmy stars will be at my performance and-

Trish: And he might give her a record deal if he likes her song. Which he will!

Ally: Trish!

Austin: He will. I'm fine with it. Go with it.

Ally: Are you sure? Because if it bothers you I won't do it.

Austin: * takes her hand* Ally it's fine. And besides it's your choice not mine. If you want it take.

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