The fight

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Guest starring Samantha boscarino

Ally's pov

I walk out of the café  to see a crowd of people down the hall chanting fight! I run down the hall to see Trish and Christine beating the mess out of each other. I run into the crowd to see Dez. what happened? I just came from the office to get a late pass then people just started running down the hall. What going on? Austin says and runs down the hall. I don't but let's stop it. We run to pull them apart. ALLY LET ME GO! Trish says and struggles to keep still.  Alright break it up! We hear the principal say. YOU 5 IN MY OFFICE NOW! I think he means us dez whispers. The 5 of us go into her office. When we go in the office Mrs. pullins takes Christine in first to hear her side so team Austin just sits on bench. What happened Trish? Ally you know she is always starting something! That's why she got banged in the mouth! Trish you can come in now the principal says. Ally long time no seen. Hi  Chris it's been 4 years. She walks away to the other side of the office. Who's she Austin asked. Christine Trish and i were best friends back in 4th grade. By the time we were 12 we stop talking to each other. Christine hunter your suspended! Mrs. pullins says. What Trish started it! No because she has proof and you don't. 45 days i'll call your father go get your things. Next time you'll think about messing with me. Especially if there is security footage involved.  I don't care! I hate this school and everyone in it anyway! * Christine walks out.

Auslly mental love: The sequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora