Emma and her ways part 4

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Ally: I'm trying really hard not to believe Emma but she has proof!

Austin: * puts his hands on ally's shoulders* Ally she's lying! I would never do that to you!

Ally: Get off of me! I can't believe I actually L....

Austin: You love me?

Ally: Austin don't! I just want to go home!

Austin: Ally, please don't leave me! I need you!

Emma; well she doesn't need you!

Ally; Let me see this so your family can see what kind of person you really are! * Takes Emma's phone* wait a minute. This recording was at 3: 25 last Sunday.

Emma: Yup that's when he begged me to take him back!

Austin: You have a cold heart! What do you want from me Emma! Why are you doing this to me?!

Ally: Austin.... I know you didn't do this.

Emma: Ally don't do this to yourself! Leave this two-timer!

Ally: I know Austin didn't do this because this is the exact time I was holding an ice pack to Austin's eyes! After that I was with him for at least 30 or 35 minutes.

Austin: Emma your a sick person. You deserve to die alone!

Ally; Austin stop! Don't let her get to you! Let Riker see what kind of sick, twisted, she beast she is!

Emma: He'll never believe you two! So good luck! I'll be around until I'm ready to dump Riker's little heart!

Austin; I HATE YOU!!!

Emma: And I love that! * Emma walks out*

Ally: Austin I'm so sorry! I understand if you hate and don't want anything to do with me anything! Just say the words and I swear i'll walk out of here never to be seen in your life again!

Austin: Ally I will never hate! The proof was very believable but I'm really happy that you saw the real truth or I would have lost the best thing that has ever happened to me! Ally please don't ever leave me!

Ally: * looks deep into Austin's eyes* I wouldn't trade being your girlfriend for anything! * Eyes tearing up* You make everything worth wild.

Austin; Aww babe your crying. *kisses her forehead* That's how I know you care. Your my whole world!

Austin & ally: * Look into each other eyes* I LOVE YOU! *kiss* 

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