Emma and her ways part 2

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Emma's pov

When Riker comes to his room he jumps when he sees me. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you I say. It's ok he say and kisses me and I kiss back. I got us some ice cream Aww, chocolate my favorite he says and takes a cup of ice cream. I got a scary movie so if your scared I can protect you. I'm not easily frightened I say. Riker put on insidious: chapter 2, but I could barley focus on the movie. I was thinking about how hard I would be laughing when ally leaves Austin with a broken heart. But I also want something out of this besides making Austin miserable. How about when I convice how much of a jerk Austin is I befriend ally. Then i'll ask to be her new partner because there is no way she'll still want to write for Austin. Once I get ally's song I'll dump our stupid so called friendship. In fact she'll be the stupid one if she thinks i'll ever be friends with her! Hey you ok Riker asked me interrupting my thoughts. Yeah I'm fine. I say and give him a smile to seal the deal. Riker I'm leaving Austin screams from down stairs. I'll be back Emma Riker says. When Riker leaves I creep into the hallway and hear where Austin is taking ally. I'll admit Austin is WAY more romantic then Riker! It doesn't matter i'll soon be dumping this blond- headed pretty boy. I tip-toe back to Riker room. Hey baby I got to go home. Uh, my parents want me to baby sit my baby bro. I thought you had a little sister and a brother in college Riker says. Shoot he's right! Right baby that's what I meant to say! I get my purse and ice cram off the floor, kiss Riker's cheek then leave his house.

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