Do we really mean it and rydel's thoughts

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Ally: * pulls away from the kiss* Did we really just say that?

Austin: Ally it's true! I love you! Your the reason why I look forward to getting up everyday! Before I met you I was just some crazy kid who never knew what loved felt like. But now I know what love means. And I know that I love you!

Ally: Austin I love you too! And I'm not just saying that because you said that you love me. I've always dreamed of meeting prince charming. And now I have found him. I love you with or without flaws! Your caring, and compassionate, and over protective. You make me feel like I'm walking on air! I love you Austin!

For the rest of the date they just ate and talk about how much they loved each other. Austin then dropped ally off and gave her a kiss goodnight.

Austin: * walks into the house* Hello family!

Rydel: Well someone's a happy boy. I've never seen you smile this hard!

Mrs.moon: What's going on with you?

Austin; it's ally

Rocky: You mean the only one of your girlfriends that we don't hate.

Austin: We said we love each other!

*Everyone cheers and claps except for Rydel*

Mrs. moon: I'm so happy you finally found someone that you love! And ally is an amazing and really intelligent girl!

Austin: When does dad get off?

Mrs.moon: You all will be sleep by the time he gets home but tell him in the morning ok?

Austin: Forget cloud 9 I'm on cloud 99!

Mrs.moon Ok you all have like 2 1/2 hours left until bed so go have fun or whatever till lights out.

Rydel's pov

It's not that I'm not happy for Austin because I am. Every single girlfriend he's had they were bitches! He deserves someone who makes him feel like he's on cloud 9! But I'm worried about there relationship! He always talks about how he needs ally and. Tonight he said he loved her and sooner or later the love will get stronger and stronger and then he'll be obsessed with her! I don't want that to happen because I like ally. She's a really cool person with a great personality! I'll just see how there relationship will go but I have to keep my eyes on them. Especially Austin!  

Auslly mental love: The sequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant