Unidentified Chapter 7: The Song of Sorrow

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I Sing from the sky..
I wish to wash away your tears
Oh I can no longer do that at all.

Why, oh why?
Why am I here?
Tell me...

12 Years Ago -

As Sinbad was transported to a room filled with darkness and magicians dressed in black. He quickly stood up and then heard a voice.
"Welcome Sinbad! Welcome the world of Al Thamen. Come Lia...." Falan smirked as Sinbad's eyes widened as a woman with lifeless eyes blue eyes, short ear length hair, black glasses and wore a strange clothing, now stood a few feet from him.
"Who are you?! You aren't Lia!" Sinbad growled.
The woman stayed silent then smirked.
"Damn. I was really hoping you fall for it, but no. Stupid High King of the Seven Sea's. I am Lia yet I am not. I am her Alter Ego, but you also know me as Darklastia." And Fury filled Sinbad.
"How.....HOW ARE YOU HERE?!" He yelled and took out the dagger and charged at her.
Darklastia smirk and raised her hand, black chains came from the ground and tied him down. He growled and she smirked.
"To answer your question, I merely am borrowing Lia's appearance from the future." She said.
"The future......?" Sinbad looked her shocked.
Darklastia smirked and blew away Falan and teleported him and her away.

They stood in a field of swords on the dessert sand, the sun blocked by red clouds, and clock and gears moving in the sky. The swords looked like graves of hundreds if not millions of people.

Darklastia grins then switched over with Falan. Falan looked around and couldn't help but smirk. The place Darklastia chose to make Sinbad show his greed was perfect. From a far away hill, a man with white hair, gray eyes and tanned skin colour, watched from afar.  He wears a black body armor made from a special material that has yet to be discovered by mankind as of the present time, which consisted of a black tight and sleeveless shirt with sliver accents which outlined his muscles and a metal plate on his collar, and black pants that had two black straps on his thighs, and another two strapped around his shins separate from each other. He wears black metal plated shoes, which appear to be attached to his trousers. His signature red coat is a type of holy shroud, which were actually two separate sleeves connected by a metal plate at the back which covered his arms and was cut off showing his upper torso and midriff, and had a separate red open skirt which ended above his shins with the top fashioned and tied with an agemaki knot, covered by a silver metal plate.

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