Chapter 24: The Chains of Happiness and Despair

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She looked at him in horror.
"N-No way......I...can't be becoming fallen.....I...haven't cursed myself or anything....." she said as she slowly backed away.
"Lia, you are not becoming fallen by choice, someone is forcing you two." Mogamett said as placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
Lia breath in and out to try and calm herself down. She looked up at him.
"Is....there a trace where it's coming from....a these binds...." She said with a shaky voice.
"I'll call the other teachers to come to a meeting tomorrow to discuss this. I never seen this before. Whoever is trying to make you fall, they are sending some of their magoi into you, to attract the black rukh, and force it into you." He said as he took out a vial.
It contained white pills.
"These pills have crystal white rukh. It should be able to help you to force the black rukh out of you. Take two each day. One in the morning and one at night. Please Lia, be careful from now on. Whoever is doing this, wants you to fall to darkness." Mogamett said.
Lia looked at the pills.
Indeed it was crystallized white rukh.
She sighs but smiles sadly.
"Back to medicine once again...." Lia chuckled lightly and takes the pills.
"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow for Thought Classes. Also...If I may ask, I been meaning to ask you this.." Lia said as her face turned serious.
"Please tell me Magnostadt's past relationship with Al-Thamen." Lia said and he stiffened.
"I know all about it. But, I want to hear it from you and your reasons." Lia said.
Mogamett looked at her shocked.
"Very well. I will tell you but, I know there are three other people that want to know why. When the time comes, I will tell you you four. But for right now, go get some rest." He smiles kindly down at her.
"Alright. And thank you." Lia said.
She said her good byes and went back to her room.

Lia went her room. She got ready for bed and took one off the pills. Her body felt better. She went to her bed and went to sleep.

- Dream -

A little girl stood there in a flower field. She held a flower crown in her hand and was singing. But it sounded sad.

I wake from this dream
But I can’t tell you the things that I’ve seen
I’d leave it behind
If I could just change her mind
I can’t believe the things that you are telling me
But something deep inside makes me feel this really isn’t a paradise

Familiar to me
Did you cross over an eternity?
We’re both so alone
A warmth that we’d never known
So stay with me, before our world starts crumbling
Cause something deep inside makes me feel this really isn’t a paradise

I’m falling asleep
All the promises that I meant to keep
The sweetest of dreams
Was my life just taken from me?
If I return, if I could change from what I’ve learned
We’d never have to hide, everything would be alright in this paradise

" Sniff.....Hic..." She cried.


She wipe her head around and sees a boy with gold eyes and tan skin. He looked about 14. Her face changes to a scowl and tears kept falling from her eyes. She glares at him and picks up her flower crown and begins to walk away.
"Zara wait!" The boy ran towards her.
She continues to walk away, her steps becoming faster and he was struggling to keep up. He caught up to her and stops her by grabbing her wrist.
"Please Listen to me!" He pleas at her, she refuses to look his way.
"I have nothing to say to you..." she said and tries to take off his hand.
The boy gritted his teeth and his grip tightens, almost to the point it's hurting her.
"Listen to me..." he growled.
Zara glares at him and her eyes turned to red slits.
"BIND!" She yells and vines wrap around the boy, making him let go of her.
"Put me down Zara!" He yells at her.
She glared at him coldly.
"Why did you do it?" She spoke lowly.
He looked at her confuse but his eyes widened.
"I did it to protect you." He looked at her.
Her eyes began to form more tears.
She was furious, nothing could describe the anger and hatred she had towards humans right now.
"I did it to protect you. All begins other than humans are impure. Don't you understand?" He said as he gritted his teeth.

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