Chapter 1

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"Is that everything?" The mover guys removed the last box from my apartment.

"Yes sir, also, sorry about how nothing was packed bro" Brennen apologised. Yeah, when the movers arrived, nothing was boxed or anything but we tipped them big so, it should be cool.

"Listen to the echo" Brennen and I began messing around and screaming before leaving the apartment.

"Dang, I'm gonna miss this place" I frowned, Brennen, putting his hand on the small of my back.

"Don't worry, my place is much bigger than this" he smiled, pulling me out of the door. "You know where I live, right?" He asked, my head shaking side to side.

"Brennen, I can't even remember where our childhood houses were!" I laughed.

"Fair enough, I'll text you the directions and they should be easy to follow" he waved before climbing into his car and taking out his phone. I hopped into my own car and waited for Brennen's message to show up on my phone. Just as his message showed on my phone, he sped off to his house, me starting up my car and driving off too.

"Okay, take two lefts" I muttered to myself as I followed the directions, finally getting to Brennen's as the movers also came.

"Aye! You made it" he laughed, jogging up the steps to his apartment. I followed him, trying to stay out of the way as the movers began placing boxes inside of the apartment. A small puppy came charging at me, jumping up onto my legs, begging for my attention. "Oh yeah, that's my best friend Kobe" Brennen pointed at Kobe as I scratched behind his ears.

"He's so cute" I went down into a squat position, Kobe rolling around on the floor as I scratched his belly.

"He seems to really like you" Brennen came over and petted Kobe. Kobe was legit the cutest dog I had ever seen. The movers had finished bringing everything inside, which was just boxes. Brennen had convinced me to get a new bed and basically scrap all of my old furniture. I was in need of new furniture but I wouldn't need it until I find my own place when I can save enough. Brennen helped me unpack all of my things and my room was a bit of a mess because I had no furniture, so he took me to Ikea to get some new shit. The colour scheme for my room was grey and found some really cute furniture at affordable prices. As I fumbled around in my pockets, looking for my money, Brennen just had to be Mr Nice Guy again.

"It's cool I can get this" He pushed me aside.

"Brennen no, it's unfair on your end. You've already done so much for me" I blushed at his actions.

"You're saving remember? And anyway, you could save a couple hundred bucks to help you for your new apartment" He flashed a few dollar bills as he paid for the furniture, the guilt building up inside of me. Brennen and I left, heading to his car.

"Thank you so much, Brennen. I couldn't ask for a better friend" I smiled at him as I helped him put everything into the car. Brennen and I drove to get some food and then we headed back home. Brennen said he was going to call some of his friends to come help build the furniture and to hang out and meet me. I wasn't going to pretend like I wasn't nervous because I was. Brennen had made a lot of friends since I had left and he even had a YouTube channel that was undoubtedly popular. Usually, when I'm bored, I go onto YouTube and watch those dumb Buzzfeed videos that barely anyone can relate to and the ones that make them seem like they've just run out of ideas. I'm not gonna go off on one about Buzzfeed because I'm sure that there are people that are fans of them and I wouldn't want to anger anyone. If I had known that Brennen had a YouTube channel, I would've checked it out but I didn't know. Maybe I'll sit up until 1 am and watch his videos. God that sounds slightly stalker-ish. Brennen and I sat on his couch with Kobe in between us, being way too lazy to get started on the furniture building ourselves. This was always how Brennen and I were but we knew it had to be done.

"Hellooo" I saw Colby walk through the door along with a blonde haired guy, a guy with a man bun and brown haired girl next to man bun. Ha, man bun.

"Hey, guys!" Brennen greeted them as I shyly sat on the couch, the urge to introduced myself tugging at my stomach. "This is my childhood best friend Briana" they introduced me. Brennen introduced me to the blonde guy named Sam, man bun as Corey and the brunette girl as Devyn, Corey's girlfriend.

"So like, how did you guys reunite?" Corey asked us, Brennen and I exchanging looks.

"I work as a barista in Starbucks and Brennen and Colby came in when I was working and Brennen and I just recognised each other" I blushed slightly as Colby looked at me, a playful look on his face.

"So um, how about, you know, I get free Starbucks for as long as I'm friends with you?" Sam joked. These guys were so fun and they had only been here for a few minutes. We started to get the furniture built, it taking longer than expected because Brennen can't read instructions for shit.


Hey all here's the first official chapter of this book. I hope this will be as successful as my other fanfictions and I hope that people will enjoy! :)

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