one ; vampires, witches, and doppelgangers, oh my

Start from the beginning

However, she didn't know that the town wasn't as average as she thought it was. It was much more than just a cheesy name she couldn't say without making fun of it. And she didn't know that this town would change her life forever. Because her curse breaking wasn't the end of her story. It was only the beginning.


"Are you sure you want to go?" Pan asked with a skeptical expression, watching as his eighteen, nearly, nineteen-year-old daughter pack her things in her black Chevrolet Cruze that she had received for her birthday by him and Felix.

The adult girl smiled and put the last of the things in the trunk, closing it and locking it with her keys. She turned to look at her family who was watching her, waiting to say goodbye. "Yes. I want to see the world, dad. Don't think I don't love you guys because I do. I just. . .want to see the world."

Mary Margaret smiled and David wrapped one arm around her. The bandit nodded. "And you follow your heart. If you want to travel, travel. Go see what the world has to offer."

Melody laughed. "Thanks, Mary Margaret." There was a sniffle, bringing her focus over to Regina who was trying her best not to cry. "Aw, mom." She went over to her and hugged the former Evil Queen.

"I just..." Regina trailed off. They pulled away and her mom wiped her tears. "I can't believe you're already grown up. Feels like just yesterday I brought you to my castle."

The brunette smiled. "Yeah, it does. Doesn't it?" She sighed and stepped back. Bending down she looked at her brother, Alec that was only three-years-old. "You be good for me ok?"

Alec nodded and then hugged her. "I miss you, Melly." The boy adored her and Pan and Felix were happy that the two were so close.

Melody pulled away with a chuckle. "I'll miss you too, little guy." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and stood up. She hugged the rest of her family goodbye. Walking back to her car, she turned to them. "I promise to call as much as I can!" She opened her car door and tapped on it, her sign that she was nervous. "I'll be posting on Instagram!" They all chuckled and Regina wiped her other tear. Melody looked at her one and only best friend and smirked. "And you better not get Emma pregnant while I'm gone, Killian! We don't need any more little rascals running around the house."

They all laughed and Hook smiled. "No promise."

She smiled back and then took a deep breath. "Well, I guess this is goodbye. You guys take care of yourselves." Everyone smiled, knowing that the female was nervous. After all, this would be her first time away from home. Melody took another deep breath and then got into her car. She turned it on, then fixed her rearview mirror, showing her family all standing in the yard, watching her.

The brunette — yet again — took a deep breath and then drove off. She reached the town line and when she passed it, a wave of magic went through her, but she paid it no mind and grinned with excitement as she drove.

For Mystic Falls would be her first stop, and would be her only stop for a while.


Melody thumbed her finger against the wheel as she hummed to the song that played through the speakers. She was never one that liked the songs on the radio so she always brought her phone, using her playlist for her music. And that's how it went the entire drive. It was just her and her awful singing skills in that car.

The Welcome To Mystic Falls sign passed her and she sighed in relief, happy that her GPS didn't get her lost. It was dark out and Melody was always careful, not liking that she had to drive in the dark. But the motel she would be staying at wasn't too far from where the town started. She sighed, forcing herself to relax. Everything was fine.

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now